Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

D. I. Y. Natural Nail Polish Remover

Using acetone-based nail polish remover too often can create lots of problems. You may end up with dry, brittle or even spotty nails. Try this simple home remedy for a healthy nail alternative.

銅絲線甲藝 Nail Art 前衛時尚又型格

玻璃指甲在美甲掀起一片熱潮後,最近流行一款「銅絲線」甲藝 Nail Art,給人一種感覺前衛又型格。

Heidi’s Nail Solution Nail Strengthener and Cuticle Repair Cream in all new travel size

The all new Heidi’s Nails Solution nail strengthener and cuticle repair cream 8ml travel size has exactly the same ingredients as the classic size. You can rejuvenate dry, dull, weak, uneven and split nails anywhere you like.

[多用也不怕] 自製天然洗甲水


[Nail Art Classroom] Beat the Heat with Refreshing Nail Colors!

Give yourself a refreshing look with these cool and eye-catching nail colors through this hot and sticky summer!

Heidi’s Nail Solution 指甲修護霜推出旅行裝

Heidi’s 的皇牌產品 Nail Solution 指甲修護霜最近推出旅行裝,最適合帶去一齊去旅行,在機上及外地用都很方便。

[Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學] OPI Fiji 斐濟系列 – 粉紅色系

香港的夏天天氣又熱又帶點潮濕,令到人都沒精打采,個人建議不妨在指甲油上加點小清新,最好來些五顏六色的色彩,再用 […]