Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[熱血夏日] OPI 2018 夏季系列 Grease Collection 指甲油


Summer Nail Art: Refreshing Geometries

Summer is officially here.  It is time to shake that old look off on your nails.   Try creating geometrical shapes with just the swiping of a few simple strokes.

[Coming Soon] OPI 2018 夏季系列 Grease Collection 指甲油即將推出

OPI 為慶祝『Grease』成立40週年,設計出一套圍繞這個主題的指甲油及 LED GELCOLOR Soka-off Gel。

[Nail Art Tutorial] Geometrical Nail Art with CND Shellac

Accentuate your nail with a stylish design using CND Shellac.   You will need these two shades – CND Cake Pop and CND Black Pool.

Rainbow Nails 榮獲 【Sisters BeautyPro 優秀專業美容院 2018】 嘉許

Rainbow Nails 一向以專業態度服務顧客,今年再一次獲各位肯定,榮獲 Sisters BeautyPro 姊妹美容嘉許 “優秀專業美容院  2018” 奬項,多謝各位的支持和鼓勵。

[美甲教學] 用 CND Shellac 做幾何圖案 Nail Art

很久都沒有介紹過CND Shellac的顏色,今次跟你們分享選用 CND 顏色做 Nail Art!