Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Resure your Feet with BANDI HYDRA RE-NEW FOOT MASK

Holiday time is the time to work hard and play hard! A busy lifestyle may cause one to skip moisturizing the feet, but the Hydra Re-new Foot Mask from Bandi foot-care Collection can help!

[腳部急急救] Bandi Hydra Re-new Foot Mask

天氣又轉涼變乾了,但忙碌的姊妹們都很懶去搽腳部護霜吧!今天要介紹的是Bandi的腳部護理系列中的─Hydra Re-new Foot Mask就可解決問題了。

[秋日的甲藝] 可愛毛衣色


[秋日的甲藝] 優雅高貴的紅葉色

一說起「秋」,一定會想到紅葉,是一種偏啡的紅色,OPI 的 WASHINGTON DC系列就最適合不過了, 系列中的橙啡、啡紅…能夠顯白膚色又帶點優雅高貴,仙氣十足!

[Promotion] Manicure + OPI SPA Hand Treatment (Nov 2018)

You can now enjoy the hand treatment with the OPI SPA collection as well as manicure service with only $280 in this month!

[優惠] 修手+OPI SPA手部護理 (2018年11月)

大家今個月可以以優惠價$280就能體驗全套修手+OPI SPA手部護理服務,快D打電話或WHATSAPP來預約吧!