Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Rainbow Nails Strengthens Cleaning and Disinfection Measure Business Resumes in stages start from 5/2

As the whole city is busy on combating the spread of the deadly coronavirus, we have also increased our infection preventative measure in Rainbow Nails. Our customers can be sure to feel relief and relax when you come in for your nails done.

Rainbow Nails 全面加強消毒清潔 2月5日(星期三)起分階段啟巿

最近全城抗疫意識高漲,Rainbow Nails 當然也不會怠慢,經已增設抗菌香薰、消毒酒精和大量口罩,再加上在新春休業期間為兩店徹底消毒,務求令大家蒞臨美甲時更安心更盡情更relax!

Nail Art for Chinese New Year

The god of pig will finish his term soon. The next CNY, year of Rat, will arrive quite early. It is time to decide on a CNY nail art and make an early schedule to the nail salon.

[鼠年快到] 農曆新年 Nail Art 推介

豬年仲有一星期就完,大家有冇留意今年既大年初一亦都比往年早左呢? 各位姊妹記得選好甲款,預早少少約時間幫指甲換新裝 ,迎接過年呀!

Scottish Plaids – OPI 2019 Scotland Collection Nail Lacquer

Inspired by the 2019 Fashion Week in Paris, OPI Scotland collection nail polish brought to you the beautiful shades of Scottish plaids.

OPI 2019 秋冬指甲油新色 – Scotland 勇闖蘇格蘭前衛迷幻之旅系列

OPI 今個秋冬季系列名為「蘇格蘭」—- 勇闖蘇格蘭前衛迷幻之旅系列 (Scotland Collection by OPI),受2019巴黎秋冬時裝週所啟發,這十二枝色彩都十分容易配搭。