Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Nail’s Day off: Amazing Nail Protection Pen from Japan

If you have done soak-off gel many times, the nails might become dry and brittle. You want to give them a break, but they are already too thin and bumpy. Check out the “Nail’s Day Off” (美爪の休日) nail protection pen from Japan.

日本神奇膠原蛋白護甲筆 – 美爪の休日

平時做完Soak off gel甲拆完套手指甲又乾又脆,想休息下,但指甲又較又薄,表面又唔平滑,雙手看起來慘不忍睹…… 今次就可以試下日本呢支保護指甲既甲油筆了!

Simple Care for your Hands at Home

Frequent hand wash is the key to safeguard yourself from the virus epidemic. However, too much alcohol-based hand-rubs can seriously dry out the skin. Let me show you some simple steps to revitalize your rough hands that you can do at home.

MindBeauty Winter Wonderland 冬日美妝美甲 Workshop

香港首屈一指的 Beauty & Wellness 預約 App MindBeaury 最近在上環 Spaces 舉辦了名為 Winter Wonderland 冬日美妝體驗活動,精選城中多間專業化妝美甲品牌到場交流,Rainbow Nails 榮幸獲邀主理其中的美甲 Workshop。

酒精搓手液抽乾了皮膚水份? 齊來做個簡單手部護理


[Something for the Little Ones] The BONBON Collection Nail Lacquer from Ella + Mila

Ella + Mila has cosmetics, nail products and body cares. Their recent new BonBon Collection nail polish brought us a set of adorable pastel shades. The cute bottles are all designed with their signature BonBon elephant graphic.

辣辣的 OPI Mexico City 墨西哥城 2020 春夏系列指甲油


白色情人節 Gel甲推介


Nail Art for White Valentines Day!

In many parts of Asia, one month after the Valentine’s Day is celebrated as the White Day. March 14 is approaching, You need a perfect look that day and do not miss out your nails either!