Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Spice up your Nails with Halloween Accents

The arrival of October is prompting us to get ready for Halloween. To give that nails some festive look, let me provide you with some spooky and ghoulish Halloween ideas.

[Manicure Tips] Soak-off Gel Lamp Q&A

Many people wonder why their soak-off gel sometimes does not last, gets gooey and tacky. It’s because of insufficient curing. The following items list out are why the lamps sometimes did not work properly.


踩入十月份,又到一年一度 #萬聖節 喇!指甲當然都要畫上充滿節日氣氛的公仔迎合節日,小編準備幾款加入萬聖節元素的指甲彩繪比大家參考。

[Promotion] Enjoy Special Offers and Gifts to celebrate our 16th Anniversary

We are celebrating our 16 years of nail beauty service during our Anniversary month in October. We are offering discounts in all our nail services along with a small customer appreciation gift.

[16週年感謝月] 指甲服務享折扣優惠 再送精緻小禮物

生日快樂!又一年了,今年是第十六年!十月是 Rainbow Nails 的週年紀念月,希望大家都可以一齊慶祝及報答客人多年來的支持😊 ,由2020年10月8日至11月6日,凡惠顧指甲服務,都會享有折扣優惠,而且我們還會送上小禮物,小小心意答謝大家支持 !

水晶甲 Acrylic Nail 有甚麼好處呢?

Acrylic Nail 水晶甲質地堅固耐用,同時亦有矯正甲型作用,可因個人喜好和需要做出不同的長短和厚薄。如有延長的需要可以利用甲片或紙托,完成後的效果仿真度極高,指甲新長出來的位置亦並不顯眼,因此水晶甲是咬甲、軟甲、短甲、容易斷甲和有分層甲的人仕的救星 !