Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

What are Acrylic Nails made of?

When it comes to creating an illusion of longer and slimmer fingers, acrylic nails can do the tricks. How much do you really know about acrylic nails? What are they actually made off?

Hangnail Care for Men

Have you ever had a hangnail (split cuticle)? It can be quite tempting to peel it off. This can injured the cuticle and lead to a swelling finger tip.

4步舒緩腳踭乾燥 – 第4項最為重要!


4 ways to ease Dry Heels – Last Point is the most important

Dry heels is a common problem among men and women alike during change of seasons. What are the causes of dry heels? And how can we resolve this problem?


指甲生倒刺不論男女都會發生,甚至男士生倒刺問題可以比女士更嚴重。唔想手指頭腫晒,就要搵 nail salon 嘅專業人仕幫手!

