Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Daiso 好物推介] 隨身攜帶 Fragrance Nail Oil 指甲油

不少女士的手都相當乾燥,尤其指甲下面的位置,甚至容易乾到甩皮或生倒刺。Daiso 最近就針對這個情況推出了這款用來滋潤指甲下方皮膚的香味指甲油…

情人節 Nail Art 推介 2023

約會時想給他一個驚喜? 就讓我們介紹幾個又簡單又 Elegant 的 Nail Art~

What to do with Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toe nails usually happen to people who run too much, wear high-heels for too long, or who stand too much. Here are what you can do.

Pointed Toe Insoles

Pointed high-heels give a great executive image to working mothers but god knows how much it hurts, especially since the pointy top squeezes the toes up so tightly. How can we relieve it?