Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong


最近對於指甲設計缺乏靈感嗎?不妨參考OPI Japan的教育總監Kayo老師的分享,看看最近日本都流行哪些款式,以及美甲的流行趨勢分析。

Kids Nail Party – Enjoy Safe and Fun Nail Art

We use peel-off gel stickers that are odorless and free of harmful substances. Whether it’s a birthday party or a get-together with friends, moms and kids can have worry-free fun!

兒童指彩 Nail Party・享受無害美甲的樂趣

Rainbow Nails 專為小朋友派對而設的上門 Kids Nail Art Party,使用貼紙式的 Peeloff Gel ,無氣味亦無有害物質,只需暖水浸甲便能缷除,無需使用缷甲水,讓媽媽和小朋友無論在生日派對,還是朋友聚會都玩得放心!

[Shimmer . Mystery] OPI 2023 Autumn Big Zodiac Energy Collection

In Autumn 2023, OPI has created the captivating Big Zodiac Energy Collection of nail polish colors based on the traits of each zodiac element, which allows you to shimmer and shine brilliantly.

[閃耀.神秘] OPI 2023 秋季 Big Zodiac Energy collection 星座系列

我們熟知的十二星座,可依照火象、風象、土象、水象分成四種象限或四大元素(the four zodiac elements),各個象限皆有其特色,每個星座也有獨特的特質與魅力,OPI 今季就根據各個星座象限的特質,推出了這個迷人的 Big Zodiac Energy Collection 星座指甲油色彩,讓您閃耀出眾。

FRESH CRÈME – Minimalist Nail Art, Subtle, Luxurious, Elegant!

Just like seasonal fashion trends, nail art styles also vary in popularity. Have you caught up with the trend of “Fresh Cream Nails” in gel nails?