Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong



Fashion Trends & Learn Nail Art: CND YouTube Channel

It’s the best way to learn nail art and fashion trends at the same time!

潮流新方向! CND Youtube Channel

做指甲對女孩子是件普通的事情,但節日想加點花款,但又沒靈感?不妨去看看 CND 的 YOUTUBE CHANNEL “cndvideo”。

Kung Hei Fat Choy! 恭喜發財!

Kung Hei Fat Choy! 祝大家猴年行大運、事事如意!

11th Anniversary Party Photos 十一週年慶祝晚會照片集

Rainbow Nails 的11週年慶祝晚會終於在衣香鬢影下順利舉行,在此再一次感謝每一位在百忙之中抽空出席的客人朋友,讓大家渡過了一個非常愉快難忘的晚上。現在付上當晚照片讓大家重溫一下,亦同時給未能出席的好友感受和分享一下當時的熱鬧氣氛。

We are Moving – 我們搬家了!

RAINBOW NAILS is proud to announce that we are moving to a new location on September 3, 2015.
為了提供更優質的服務,Rainbow Nails 由2015年9月3日起遷往以下地址

OPI Nail iPhone APPS 即時預覽最新甲油效果


Rainbow Nails 九週年快樂!

踏入2013年10月12日,Rainbow Nails便完滿地服務各位9年了。由2013年10月12日至2013年11月11日,凡惠顧任何產品或服務,我們將會送上一份小小禮物作為答謝。請繼續支持Rainbow Nails!

Rainbow Nails 9th Anniversary

From 12th October 2013 to 11th November 2013, with any purchase of our service or products, a little gift will be given in return to express our heartfelt gratitude!

Does nail polish cause nail fungus?

Acrylic Nails or Gel Nails is not the cause of fungus nails. Rather, poorly applied Acrylic Nails or Gel Nails with inadequate sterilization can. Fungus growing on to the nail bed is the main cause of nail fungus. So if you follow the steps below, You should be able to prevent nail fungus away.