指甲油大比拼! OPI Polish vs Nicole vs CND Vinylux 特點比較
- on 10.15.14
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OPI, Nicole 和 CND Vinylux 幾種指甲油究竟有甚麼分別?
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OPI, Nicole 和 CND Vinylux 幾種指甲油究竟有甚麼分別?
What is the difference between OPI Nail Polish, Nicole by OPI and CND Vinylux nail lacquer?
Inspired by OPI’s Shatter collection, Nicole by OPI has also launched a collection of Texture coats include Turquoise, Black, White, Silver, Red and Gold.
Nicole這個品牌的甲油各位一定不會陌生,其實它也是OPI大家庭其中一份子,色系比較”Dolly – 娃娃”和前衛,帶出活力的感覺,與OPI系列吹的高貴大方風完全不一樣,提供更多元化選擇!
OPI 這套六枝「Spotlight On Glitter」彩虹般的七彩閃片、六角寶石型金片等等, 配合最新推出的「GLITTER OFF」作為底油,盡情塗得滿手閃令令!
這個靚靚 Nailart 看似複雜,但其實一點也不難,需要的只是時間和耐性,這簡單又充滿春夏色彩的款式,各美媚都要試試啊!
OPI has finally picked 4 out of 12 colors in Muppets Most Wanted Nail Lacquer for its LED GelColor Soak-off Gel Collection. Respectively below: 3 of them are sparkles, and the rest is a pearly light purple. Don’t miss on these colors if you’re looking for outstanding blings!
This year OPI is designing a light toned collection for the Muppets again. 5 different types of sparkles + a few light color and a dark navy blue, very unconventional for OPI!
對於喜歡 NAIL ART 的朋友,這四枝 OPI Sheer Tints Collection 指甲油 NAIL POLISH 一定不能錯過。油如其名──Sheer,真的超級透薄,還有幾種用法!
在兩年前OPI曾為迪士尼動畫電影「萬千星輝布公仔」推出一套指甲油。2014 OPI 打破傳統,前一套以紅色為主,但今次只有閃粉和百搭粉紅在這系列出現,變得清簡很多,喜歡淺色的人一定期待著它的來臨!