Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

What to do with Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toe nails usually happen to people who run too much, wear high-heels for too long, or who stand too much. When there are too much stress press down on the toes, the toenails are forced to grow inward and become ingrown toenails. Here are what you can do.

Red, painful and swelling toes are the common signs of ingrown toenails. If you got sweaty feet, hard toenails or diabetes, you must take it even more seriously People with sweaty feet or have hard toenails can easily develop ingrown toenails by wearing tight shoes. Diabetic patients have poor circulation. This means when the toes are injure, they do not heel quite as quick, which can easily result in ingrown toenails.

How to trim toenails
Cut the nails flat on the top rather than round. If you are bother by the sharp corners, just file them off a bit. If you are just starting to have ingrowns and no pain or infection has happened yet, you can slip a little cotton between the nail and the flesh to prevent the problem from getting worse. Apply anti-biotics ointments to prevent infection.

Wear shoes with the right size. Avoid shoes that are overly tight.
Tight shoes not only promotes ingrown toenails, it may also cause Hallux Valgus.

If everything you have done cannot ease your pain, it is time to see the doctor.

Pointed Toe Insoles

Pointed high-heels give a great executive image to working mothers but god knows how much it hurts, especially since the pointy top squeezes the toes up so tightly. A pair of human engineered insoles can effectively absorb pressure and relief the discomfort of the feet. On the other hand, insoles can also help when the shoes are too large.

Kung Hei Fat Choy 恭喜發財 – 兔年年初六 (Jan 28) 啟巿

Kung Hei Fat Choy🎋🧧We will be closed for the Lunar New Year from January 20 to January 27. We will accept bookings starting on January 25.🌸Happy CNY and enjoy your joyful holiday 🎎❤️

#恭喜發財 🎋🧧 今個農曆新年假期我們於 1 月 20 日至 1 月 27日休業數天,由 1 月 25 日年初四開始我們將接受預約,並於 1 月 28 日 #年初六啟巿 🌸祝大家新年進步,心想事成 🎎❤️

Rainbow Nails 💅🏻

Whatsapp Make Appointment / 預約: 9093 2622
💚Service Hour:11am-7pm
💛Address:8/F, Thyrse House, 16 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環砵甸乍街16號太富商業大廈8樓
📞 2840 0660
#opi #rainbownail #nail #nailpolish #gelnail #nailart #gel甲 #acrylicnails #人造甲 #水晶甲 #指甲油 #美甲 #修甲 #manicure

[兔年快到] 農曆新年 NAIL ART 推介

2023 年的農曆新年一月就到了,大家想在新年換上兔年美甲款式,迎接喜氣洋洋的農曆新年嗎?很多人都很抗拒鮮紅的甲色,其實新年不只圍繞着紅色,以下為大家介紹幾款兔年美甲款式,為指甲穿上美美的新衣逗利是吧!




不想走可愛風,也可以試試這個繼續大熱的Chanel Tweed Jacket 的款式,巧妙利用了粗幼不一的線條,交叉畫出紅色的Tweed花紋,款式大方得體,完美演繹出「指尖上的香奈兒」!,配以珍珠點綴,優雅又別具女人味。

[Nail Styles for Men] Follow the Stars (III)

From the darkest to the brightest, there are a whole lot in between. Let me show you something here a little on the artsy side of gel nail for men.

7. Marble nails for men

You may do the usual black and white marble art, or you may by all means choose other colors to match your hair and your clothes.

8. Alphabet nails for men

Alphabets are common for tattoos. They work well on nails as well. American rock n’ roll artist, MachineDun Kelly, wore the letters S, A and D on three of his nails, which was totally cool! You can get equally creative with words too. To make the letters stand out, try choosing contrasting colors such as, red on white or, black on white.

9. Simple stripes

For those minimalists, you can use the help of tapes or tooth picks as guides to make stripes in different widths. If there are tattoos on the back of your hands, you can even make stripes that match. Do not forget to apply base coat before you do your stripes though.

Rainbow Nails provides manicure, pedicure, nail buffing, nail biting treatment, hand and foot care services for men. You may call us or sent Whatsapp.

#Manicure #Pedicure #NaturalNailBuffing #NailBitingTreatment #HandandFootCare

Appointment by Whatsapp: 9093 2622
💚 Open: 11am – 7pm
🧡 Tel: 2840 0660
💛 Address: 8 /F, Thyrse House, 16, Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong

[Nail Styles for Men] Follow the Stars (II)

When you have enough of the low-key black and you are ready to step up, you might be interested in the following gel nail ideas for men.

4. Fluorescent Nails

If you decided to be the wild kid down the street, consider to go really sharp. Try wearing matching fluorescent nails with same color outfits – yellow, green or blue. Put on some showy accessories and you can definitely becomes the focus of the block. Even if you put on black outfits instead, the fluorescent nails can still stand out loud.

5. Go free with Partially Painted Nails

Do some free-style strokes in the middle of the nail, match with some rings or silvers. This totally can bring out your wilder side. All you need is black outfits and you can look as cool as you can be.

6. Geometrical Shapes

First apply a clear base. Then, use tapes or nail stickers to mask out a shape. Paint over the shape a few rounds and tear the tapes off once the polish is dry. That’s it! It is easy as 1-2-3. Then, do not forget go over the nail with a top coat and you are done.

Rainbow Nails provides manicure, pedicure, nail buffing, nail biting treatment, hand and foot care services for men. You may call us or sent Whatsapp.

#Manicure #Pedicure #NaturalNailBuffing #NailBitingTreatment #HandandFootCare

Appointment by Whatsapp: 9093 2622
💚 Open: 11am – 7pm
🧡 Tel: 2840 0660
💛 Address: 8 /F, Thyrse House, 16, Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong

[Nail Styles for Men] Follow the Stars (I)

The world of nail art is flooded with STYLES for women, but let’s not leave the men out. We found some COOL designs from the stars.

1. Black nails for men

If you are new to nail art and want TO stay low key, you can Never go wrong with basic black. Black is the choice of G-Dragon and the lead singer of LANY – Paul Klein. The combination of shiny black nails and bright outfits speaks out their unique styles.

2. White nails

Black graphics on white nails give an artsy look while not being tacky. There are plenty of stickers available for this purpose. Just apply top coat after you put the sticker on white polish. This will help to last longer.

3. Black n’ white

When plain becomes boring, you can go with BNW. Try pearl white, it actually look quite natural on black nail rather than using chalk white.

Rainbow Nails provides manicure, pedicure, nail buffing, nail biting treatment, hand and foot care services for men. You may call us or sent Whatsapp.

#Manicure #Pedicure #NaturalNailBuffing #NailBitingTreatment #HandandFootCare

Appointment by Whatsapp: 9093 2622
💚 Open: 11am – 7pm
🧡 Tel: 2840 0660
💛 Address: 8 /F, Thyrse House, 16, Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong



上次介紹了一些節日的美甲款式,大家都很喜歡,今次就再介紹多幾款聖誕 Gel 甲 Nail Art 款式!












又到聖誕! 小編為大家搜羅不同的聖誕主題美甲款式,讓大家可以跟著做一個充滿節日氣氛的甲款!

上圖的 #珍珠聖誕樹 以不同大小的珍珠和銀色小圓點,拼湊出立體的聖誕樹和雪花圖案,高貴典雅~


每年聖誕節 #薑餅人 都是人見人愛的圖案,焦糖啡色甲款亦非常易Carry~

聖誕老人 x 小鹿

Q版的聖誕老人和小鹿圖案,簡單配上綠色和紅色凈色甲款,X’mas Vibes 100% 啊~

[$5.5一枝Gel] Daiso日本官網入手大熱甲油膠!

最近「12蚊店關注組」內掀起了 Daiso甲油膠搶購潮,大量網民走勻港九新界撲貨,但其實想試 Daiso Gel未必需要頻撲,只需到日本Daiso官網一看,款式齊全,每支甲油膠更只需 100 yen (約港幣$5.5),而且不需日本信用卡都可以買到!

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不過要留意的是日本Daiso官網雖然接受國際信用卡付款,但目前只會送貨至日本地址,所以大家在日本Daiso官網購物前,需確保持有可收貨的日本地址,或使用提供日本集運服務的集運品牌例如 BuyAndShip, ShipGo, BaggageForward 等登記一個日本地址,運費也低至$7/kg,一次過掃大量日本貨回來也不錯!