Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Hong Kong Brand] Ommicare x Hello Kitty Portable Nail Trimmer

There are lots of portable nail drill on the market. We found this one made by a Hong Kong local brand named – Ommicare. They also have baby and pedicure sets.
Their drill bits are specially designed to only trim the nails while avoiding to hurt the skin. It is supplied by batteries and equipped with super noise reduction.

Every drill comes with five file bits including, dead skin, nail shaping, callus remover, etc. There are also two drill bits for nail removal an buffering. Each bit function is clearly marked on the individual box for easy identification. The drill is very nice looking too. They come in three different series and more than ten color to choose from. For the Kitty fans out there, you do not wan to miss the Hello Kitty cross-over design!

[Byebye Tweezers] Nail Art Dotting Pen

Stunning nails can be so simple. We introduced the nail art beads application box last time. This time, we will show you this dotting pen.  It comes with 2,800 beads including gold, silver, rose gold and black colors. Apply the beads while the nail polish is still wet and you can do a pretty clean job.

18歲閃耀.美麗! 指甲服務週年特別優惠

今年是Rainbow Nails的第十八年了!真的不容易!

客人的支持是我們最大的原動力,喺未來,Rainbow Nails一定會繼續用心服務,多謝大家。

Brilliant at 18: Special Offer for you

18th Anniversary to Rainbow Nails!

We are celebrating our 18 years of nail beauty service during our Anniversary month in October. 

Starting from 1st October to 31th of October 2022, Rainbow Nails is offering discounts in nail services. You will get 20% off for two nail services! Come and share the joy with us and give your nails the perfect makeover.

HOT NAIL Stickers for a HOT PRICE at $12

It is always fun to hunt in a $12 bazaars, especially when you found something really nice. You can find these 2022 Summer limited edition nail stickers at Daiso. These quick and easy babies are perfect as an alternative for gel nail.   Choose from  ocean blue, pink with gold strand shell, and yellow sunflower on blue grey background. There are also two kinds of pretty toenail stickers for you to check out.

OPI Fall Wonders 2022 秋冬系列指甲油

很久沒有為大家介紹 OPI 的新產品,最近 OPI 推出了 2022 秋冬系列 Fall Wonders Collection ,InfiniteShade、Nail Polish、GelColor 三個系列均有推出,顏色取材靈感世界各地自然奇觀,12 種顏色包含了令人感覺平靜色系,例如淡紫色、灰色和濃郁的黃色和紅色。

小編最愛就是下面這一款 PeaceOfMined ,樸實的淡紫色果然充滿平靜感,塗了可以帶來滿滿正能量!

[男士美甲] 跟著明星去美甲 男士個性美甲款式推介

低調高調型格的男士美甲款式都介紹過了,還有沒有再特別一點的款式? 當然有! 今次就看看個性系列的男士美甲造型!

7. 男士美甲款式推薦:雲石/潑墨款式美甲


8. 男士美甲款式推薦:字母美甲

字母一直都是紋身的熱門選擇,但原來放左指甲上同樣好看。例如美國饒舌歌手Machine Gun Kelly就分別在三隻指甲塗上「S」、「A」、「D」的字樣,拼成「Sad」一字。大家亦可發揮創意,拼出自己喜歡的字樣。假如想效果更明顯,底油及字母的顏色對比不妨大點,例如紅白、黑白等拼色配搭,都是不錯的選擇。

9. 男士美甲款式推薦:簡單線條


Rainbow Nails 為男士提供多項服務,歡迎來電或 Whatsapp 查詢:

  • 修手甲
  • 修腳甲
  • 真甲拋光
  • 咬手甲人仕治療
  • 手部及腳部護理

Whatsapp 預約: 9093 2622


🧡電話: 2840 0660


[男士美甲] 跟著明星去美甲 男士型格美甲款式推介


4. 男士美甲款式推薦:螢光色系指甲油


5. 男士美甲款式推薦:隨意在指甲中央塗上指甲油 


6. 男士美甲款式推薦:幾何格紋指甲油


Rainbow Nails 為男士提供多項服務,歡迎來電或 Whatsapp 查詢:

  • 修手甲
  • 修腳甲
  • 真甲拋光
  • 咬手甲人仕治療
  • 手部及腳部護理

Whatsapp 預約: 9093 2622


🧡電話: 2840 0660


[男士美甲] 跟著明星去美甲 男士低調美甲款式推介

我們經常都會介紹不同的美甲款式給女生們參考,男生們想看看又怎麼辦? 今次我們就介紹一下幾款明星美甲造型,讓大家跟著明星們美甲!

1. 男士美甲款式推薦:純黑色指甲油

初嘗美甲的男士,不妨先從基本款入手。當中低調的黑色指甲油,就是不少明星如G-Dragon,以及美國人氣獨立搖滾樂團LANY主唱Paul Klein的選擇。在指甲上簡單地塗滿黑色亮面甲油,再配搭鮮色上衣,反而能更加突顯衣著造型。

2. 男士美甲款式推薦:白色指甲油


3. 男士美甲款式推薦: 黑白混色


Rainbow Nails 為男士提供多項服務,歡迎來電或 Whatsapp 查詢:

  • 修手甲
  • 修腳甲
  • 真甲拋光
  • 咬手甲人仕治療
  • 手部及腳部護理

Whatsapp 預約: 9093 2622


🧡電話: 2840 0660


4 Tips to Keeping Gel Nails last longer at Home

You have got the most gorgeous GEL nails from the salon. What can you do to make it last longer? Here are four pointers for you,

1. Returning the shine with alcohol

First, wipe dull nail surface with rubbing alcohol. Then, apply CUTICLE oil with a cosmetic Pat to clean away dirt and excessive oil.  This will bring back the shine. 

2. More hand cream and cuticle oil

Beautiful nails do not stay long on dry hands. In these days, chap hands are common with frequent use of hand rubs. Therefore, you basically need to go wild on hand cream.  Do not skip cuticle oil either, cause this helps you to prevent split cuticles.

3. Take care of split gel with nail file

As time gose by, the nails may crack or lift up. Hold off your craving to rip them off! As this may damage the real nails.  Try to trim off the crack with a nail file, then pay a visit to the nail technician a.s.a.p.

4. Avoid chemicals and hot water

These two guys are enemies that will fade or lift the gel nails. Try not to shower with extra hot water.  Be sure to wear gloves when doing household works.  Use the flat surface of your finger tips rather than the top part.