Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[有冇試過著鞋好痛?] 嵌甲點算好

嵌甲(Ingrown toenail)是常常發生於腳部,很好時於激烈跑動、腳步的變換;又或者長時間穿高踭鞋久站,都有可能讓鞋子壓迫到腳趾,導致腳趾甲往內生長,產生嵌甲。以下就告知大家如何保護好腳趾甲。


疼痛、紅腫,或是感染造成不明的分泌物 (含膿),都代表著腳趾甲可能有嵌甲的狀況。如果你腳汗多、腳趾甲硬、或是糖尿病(Diabetes)患者,就需要特別注意自己雙腳了。前面兩者容易因感染或是鞋子擠壓,而產生嵌甲;糖尿病患者則是因為血液循環系統不良,一旦腳趾受傷,復原的速度會比平常人緩慢,較易發生嵌甲的毛病。




  1. 撥開包裹住腳趾甲趾肉,讓趾甲邊邊顯露出來,之後拿兩顆小棉花球,塞入趾甲邊邊與趾肉間的縫隙,避免趾甲再度陷進肉裡。
  2. 在嵌甲處塗上抗生素藥膏,減低感染發生的機率。
  3. 選擇尺寸合適的鞋子,鞋子過緊除了會造成嵌甲外,也有可能壓迫您的腳趾關節,導致拇指外翻。


6 Tips to make your Nail Polish Last Longer

Most people apply their nail polish by pulling the brush from the base to tip in one stroke. This way may be quick but it will not last long.  What is the secret of professional manicurists that makes the polish so long-lasting?

I. Base Coat

Apply clear base coat before you put on shade. Not only this can help the color look sharper, the base coat can also protect the real nail.

II. Apply on Your Strong Hand First

If you are right-handed, apply on on the nails of your right hand first. Get the tougher part done first. It is easier to finish up by the strong hand lasst.

III. Do not Fetch too Much

Pull off excessive polish at the rim of the bottle, this can make the color looks more even.

IV. Apply on the top 1/3 part of the nails first

Since there is more chance that  the upper part of the nails chip off first, reinforcing this area can Definitely help.

V. Double Coats

Apply a secong coat while the first coat is slightly dried. The color will look more saturated and shiny.

VI. Top Coat

You definitely need the top coat. It is the key to that extra shine and durability.

[尖頭鞋必備] 鞋頭柔軟海綿墊


好多媽媽返工著尖頭 #高跟鞋 👩🏻‍💼
本身著高跟鞋 已經夠哂辛苦🥹
尖頭鞋頭🔺 壓縮前腳掌,更加痛上加痛,好難受😭😭

人體工學設計 更好貼合腳部 👣
可以緩解腳趾壓力 改善前沖😊
有時鞋碼過大 亦可以墊一墊 輕鬆解決問題🆗

應該可以幫助穿 #尖頭鞋 嘅你地❤️

NUDE for Nail Art Beginners

For anyone who is new to gel nails, nude is the most must try color. On the left is the popular Shimmering Cloud nail, while on the right is completed with gold glitter, gold strand and opal.  These not so over the top designs are highly versatile and perfect for those who like to be subtle and low-key.

[更持久!] 6個令指甲油更耐看的小貼士


1. 底油

上色前要先打底上一層透明底油 (Base Coat),除了能讓指甲油顏色更突出,還有保護指甲的作用。

2. 先塗慣用手


3. 不要沾取過多的指甲油


4. 先塗指甲的前三分之一


5. 塗兩層


6. 面油

最後一定要再上一層透明的指甲油 (或面油 Top Coat),提升光澤度跟持久度。

The Ultimate Nail Hex for Repelling Mosquitos

If there is anything that is most annoying in the nature, it must be mosquitos.  Check out what the Japanese whistle performer, Kato Marina, does to revenge on those creeps.

Kato has posted a nail art on her Twitter.  Eight of her nails were sealed with mosquito specimen.  The other two were painted with mosquito repellents. Anyways, this seemed to be a curse rather than an art design.

Apparently, Kato was quite a mosquito attractor. Her body was filled with bites and she constantly lost sleep from the itchiness and overnight attacks.  She decided to catch a bunch of mosquitos and painstakingly cleaned off their remains.

Even it was not so easy, Kato managed to make some nice specimen.  She wrapped them up in cling wrap and went to a nail technician she knew.

OPI FALL WONDERS 2022 Fall/Winter Collection

OPI has launched the 2022 Fall Wonders collection in InfiniteShade, Nail Polish, and GelColor sets. The shades were inspired by nature wonders from around the world. Twelve serenity shades include, light purple, grey, shimmery yellow and classic red which bring you the sence of calmness.

My favorite is ‘Peace of Mind”. This humble light purple is so calming, it practically recharged my mind with all the positivities.

[Hong Kong Brand] Ommicare x Hello Kitty Portable Nail Trimmer

There are lots of portable nail drill on the market. We found this one made by a Hong Kong local brand named – Ommicare. They also have baby and pedicure sets.
Their drill bits are specially designed to only trim the nails while avoiding to hurt the skin. It is supplied by batteries and equipped with super noise reduction.

Every drill comes with five file bits including, dead skin, nail shaping, callus remover, etc. There are also two drill bits for nail removal an buffering. Each bit function is clearly marked on the individual box for easy identification. The drill is very nice looking too. They come in three different series and more than ten color to choose from. For the Kitty fans out there, you do not wan to miss the Hello Kitty cross-over design!

[Byebye Tweezers] Nail Art Dotting Pen

Stunning nails can be so simple. We introduced the nail art beads application box last time. This time, we will show you this dotting pen.  It comes with 2,800 beads including gold, silver, rose gold and black colors. Apply the beads while the nail polish is still wet and you can do a pretty clean job.

18歲閃耀.美麗! 指甲服務週年特別優惠

今年是Rainbow Nails的第十八年了!真的不容易!

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