Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[初試美甲必做] 簡約易襯的裸色 Nail Art

裸色是初試美甲 Gel甲的女生們都必做的款式,左邊的流沙暈染效果是最近的人氣款式,而右邊的用了金粉、金線跟貓眼石點啜,兩款都簡約易襯,適合喜歡低調風格的你!

[唔駛再用鉗] Nail Art 神器金珠筆

我們曾經介紹過一個在 Nail Art 使用裝飾珠時,防止灑到周圍的盒子,今次這個 “金珠筆” 簡直是3.0更新!把金珠子放在特製的筆裏面,一枝內有2800粒,暫時有金,銀,玫瑰金及黑色珠子。塗好顏色後,在你心儀的位置上按下按鈕,就會跌出一粒。而傳統上會使用鉗子,很難鉗細珠或波點筆,經常黏住筆頭,相比起上來這金珠筆就更有效率 !

[搽指甲油教學] 5個貼士令你可以做出美甲師的效果





一般認為底油(base coat)是給脆弱指甲的人最底層加強的,但其實底油可以讓指甲油更好塗、更持久,更顯色,也可以保護指甲不被染色,另外也是更好卸除的關鍵。

3 )由底部開始搽


4) 搽2層是基本


5)Top Coat也是必備

Top Coat可以增加指甲面的光澤,並保護指甲顏色持久。


[Nail Polish] I always paint out a mess, WHY?

It is not hard to apply nail polish as neat as a pro.  Keep in mind the following five steps.

1. Trim nails and exfoliate

Removing dead cells can promotes healthy nails. This is also the basic for a perfect nail polish application.

2. Applying Base coat

Did you know that base coat is more than just strengthening weak nails?  Base coat is the key for smoother application, longer lasting and better color.  It can also prevent the pigment from sticking on the real nails and allows easy removal.

3. Do not paint too close

Start 1mm clear off the base.  Brush down along the middle of the nail and then complete the two sides. Do this and you can definitely avoid running over to the skin.

4. Apply two layers

Apply one more layer after the first layer is completely dry. This can avoid uneven color and thickness.

5. Top coat

Top coat makes the nails super shiny and longer lasting.

This is certainly something special you can do!

[香港品牌] Ommicare x Hello Kitty 便攜式磨甲機

市面上都有很多在家用的磨手甲機,這次要介紹的,是Ommi Care,一個香港本地品牌,推出一款便攜式的磨甲機,另分別有嬰兒及腳部系列,配上獨特的打磨頭設計,打磨指甲又不傷皮膚,電池供電及超靜音設計。

每部磨甲機匀跟有五個磨頭(磨皮、磨甲 、除繭等)及兩個鑽頭(拆甲、拋光),每個頭用法都清楚寫在裝磨頭的外盒上,十分方便使用。而它的外觀也是賣點,現時有三個系列,有十多種顏色選擇,還跟 Hello Kitty crossover,Kitty迷不要錯過呀!

Amputation after Manicure

A Brazilian lady found her thumb swollen and full of pus soon after she got her gel nail done. The finger looked quite frightening.

It happened because she did not notice much to a cut on her cuticle WHEN SHE DECIDED TO GET a nail extension. The fake nail was glued over the cut. A few days later, the finger became infected. The pain was so severe that she could not even work. THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, but nothing helped. She has got cellulitis. The tip of her thumb ended up being amputated.

She decided to put this tragic story on social media, warning people to be careful. People must check with the nail technician about any risk prior to getting nails done.

[開運美甲系列] 2022年添才又添財:金色




[Promotion] Mani + Pedi & Gel Polish Early Summer Offer (Jun-Jul 2022)

As the weather warms up in this romantic months, it is time for some fresh new nails.
Come to Rainbow Nails during June and July 2022 and enjoy a deep discount.

For $920, customers can enjoy a normal manicure and soak-off gel pedicure in our special June-July
offer! It is time to put your feet in a pair of pretty sandals and even better is a set of
gorgeous nails. Our promotions this time can take care of both your hands and your feet.
Do not miss out! Make your booking soon!
Now: $920
Original Price: $1120

*EPS & Cash Only
*Promotion only for REAL NAILS (NOT include REMOVAL)
*By phone or Whatsapp reservation

*If you are more than 20 minutes late, your treatment may need to be modified

*For cancellations or changes to your appointment, please notify us more than 4 hours in advance to ensure no cancellation fee

*Accept credit card over $800

[優惠] Mani + Pedi Soak-Off Gel 初夏優惠 (2022年6/7月)

在2022年6月至7月期間只需 $920,就能享受特別優惠:

普通修手甲及Soak off可卸式凝膠修腳甲服務全套!




Nail Art for increase Luck in Getting More Income

People use gold and silver to increase their luck in getting more incomes. It can be just as stylish. Feel free to integrate glitter and beads to create a dazzling nail design. Who knows? It might bring you luck when you play mahjong games.