Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[開運美甲系列] 2022年人和色:奶油米白色


奶油就是清簡,有點小鑽石及金箔或奶油色的絨毛 gel,不用花巧已經美絕。


The Good Things about Acrylic Nails

Acrylic nails are strong and long-lasting. They also help with the problems of faulty nails. They can be made into any length or thickness according to client’s request. To get long nails, tips can be added and they look quite real. Natural nails can stay quite unnoticed for a while. Therefore, acrylic nails are the best choice for #bitten nails, #soft nails, #short nails, #brittle nails, #split nails.

Rainbow Nails is conveniently located in the heart of Central District. Our nail technicians are well-experienced in acrylic nails. You are welcomed to make enquiry anytime.

Yummy Yummy Sushi Nail-art

We all know people are not supposed to dine out during the pandemic. But if you suddenly got a sushi crave, it can really drive you nuts. Luckily, the gurus have worked out some beautiful 3-D sashimi nail arts. Look! There are toro, sea urchin, salmon roll. Don’t they look scrumptious?

[開運美甲系列] 2022年保健康顏色:酒紅色




Nail Clippers are not enough

People normally clip their fingernails once every couple of weeks. It is easy to end up with some annoying sharp corners. Try going over with a nail file. Keep in mind that you should file in one direction instead of going back and forth. This will get you a smooth and round corners while promoting healthy growth for the nails.

[開運美甲系列] 2022年幸運色:黃色




[抗疫美甲D.I.Y] 日本 Eternal Basic Gel甲套裝

想D.I.Y整Gel甲,最好莫過於方便同快捷。日本品牌Eternal Basic推出的美甲套裝,當中所用的LED 燈,體積細小如小電筒,照上約30秒便可令啫喱甲高速硬化,更可將面油及底油二合一,令你快速完成Gel甲!加上以便携式作賣點,在家方便收藏,就算帶去外遊都好慳位!

Eternal Basic啫喱指甲 便攜式LED燈簡易gel甲

Step 1: 用消毒酒精清理指甲上的油脂和污垢後,利用迷你打磨海綿銼輕輕打磨指甲表面,令顏色更緊緊黏附在指甲上。

Step 2: 掃上薄薄的一層Top & Base Coat打底,要效果自然,必須薄塗,否則令指甲變得厚重。

How to do DIY Gel Nail at home?

It gets quite dreadful that the nail salons are closed when you really needed a manicure. You can learn to handle it yourself, you know? By just getting the right tools, you can work like a proal in no time! Or at least a simple one…

Here are a few things you need:
LED light, nail file, cushion file, gel base, gel top andsome wet wipes, etc. There are tons on the market for just a few hundred bucks. If you do not enjoy gelling, you can absolutely use stick-on gel polish. They run between $70 to $120 for a set. You can easily find plenty of them on the internet.

‘Devil SoakOff Gel’ at-home nail kit available at Rainbow Nails.
Price: $499, includes:
Light-weight UsB LED light, cushion file, shaping file, Devil LED Color (15ml), Devil Gel Base(15ml), Devil Gel Top (15ml)

How to apply:
1. Dip some nail cleanser with a cotton ball to clean the nail surface.
2. Apply gel base then dry with LED light for 30seconds.
3. Apply one coat of gel colour. Dry with LED light for 30 second. Repeat process for another coat of gel colour. Clean nail with nail cleanser.
4. Apply gel top and dry with LED light for 30 seconds.
5. Clean and shine with nail cleanser and you are done!

To acquire more skills in nail art, try to take a Zoom class in manicure. You can even watch it again as much you need. How good is that?.

Nail Class on Zoom byNail Group HK💅🏻

It is nothing but booredom during lockdown 😞, but it is also a good time to learn new skills!

The on-line mani class by NailGrouphk offers comprehensive knowledges of basic manicure techniques. 👏🏻 Students can also enjoy unlimited access for reviewing。🎥
📙 class descriptions
1️⃣ The steps and procedures of manicure
2️⃣ Traditional cuticle care
3️⃣ different nail shapes and shaping techniques
4️⃣DIY Soft gel application techniques
5️⃣Soft gel Repair and extension

在家 DIY GEL甲如何做?

最近美甲店只能不定期營業,不如大家一起來學做自己的美甲師在家美甲吧!在家 DIY GEL甲應從何開始呢?

在家美甲其實也很簡單,所需工具包括 LED 冷光燈機、磨甲棒、磨甲海棉、基底油 (Base Coat)、指甲油、Top Coat、清潔濕巾等等。坊間有很多美甲套裝一次過包含以上工具及配件,價錢亦只不過是幾百元,CP值很高。若大家不習慣自己GEL,也可以買指甲貼遮去未修飾的GEL甲,HK$70-120就有一盒,網上購買亦非常方便!

我們現在也預備了一個 #在家DIY美甲套裝 “Devil Soak Off Gel 家用魔法套裝” ,只需 $499 就有齊 USB輕巧型燈機、海棉挫條、修型銼條、魔法顏色 15mL 、魔法底膠 15mL 和魔法面層 15mL !

1. 以棉花沾少許潔甲液潔淨指甲。
2. 塗上一層底油,照LED燈30秒,再以棉花沾少許潔甲液潔淨指甲。
3. 塗上一層顏色甲油,照LED燈30秒;塗第二層顏色甲油,照LED燈30秒。以棉花沾少許潔甲液潔淨指甲。
4. 塗上一層面油,照LED燈30秒。
5. 最後以棉花沾少許潔甲液刷亮甲面 。

想增加 DIY 美甲的信心,坊間還有 Zoom 美甲班,足不出戶也可以學習,仲可以無限次重溫!

[開運GEL甲] 2022 新年開運 (三) – 開運甲點止紅色?

上次介紹過6款開運 Gel 甲大受各位歡迎,今次 encore 再介紹四款,讓大家繼續開運!

1. 2022美甲:開運紅色


2. 2022美甲:招桃花粉紅色


3. 2022美甲:增人緣裸粉色


4. 2022美甲:旺財金銀色
