Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

美國 Heidi’s 的 CRÈME Deluxe 手足潤膚乳終於返貨了,仲有聖誕套裝!

來自美國Heidi’s的CRÈME Deluxe手足潤膚乳終於返貨了!

“Lasts though 3 hand washing” 洗完手都可以保持皮膚滋潤架~

美國 Heidi’s CRÈME Deluxe 手足潤膚乳系列 25ml 的主要功能:

  • 洗3次手仍可保持滋潤
  • 深層保濕、滋潤肌膚
  • 含有蛋白質,有助強化指甲
  • 特別添加抗皺配方
  • 天然成份可舒緩濕疹、牛皮癬,敏感人士及糖尿病人士適用




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[Trace of Fungal Nail] Callusan-Unguisan Nail Tincture from Germany

Charcoal gray is a great color on fashion, but you do not want that on your nails, do you? I am talking about fungal nails.

There could be different causes of fungal nails. It may a nail injury when doing sports. Elderly who has weaker immune system are also prone to Fungal Nails.

Anti-fungus medicine may work, but it may draw unwanted side effects. There is a wonderful alternative though.

A topical cell regeneration gel can bee a wonderful alternative.  The Callusan-Unguisan Nail Tincture from Germany can effectively treat fungus and provide protection against them. It’s creative formula does not contain the medicinal ingredient : Clotrimazole.  The natural effective ingredients include  urea, Iceland moss extract and black currant extract.  They help to fight and provide total protection against fungus. The moisturizing formula also keep the nails soft.  The tincture is dermatologically tested suitable for diabetic users.

How to use:

          apply one to two drops on and The skin around the affected nails daily. Be careful do not contact the dropper tube. As the product is highly concentrated, do not use too often.

[腳甲變灰甲唔駛怕] 德國足博士 Callusan 凝膠再生膏 Unguisan Nail Tincture



如果你真係不幸患上灰甲,唔好以為食藥就好快好,其實口服抗真菌藥物都有唔少副作用,之前我們真心推介過的 OPI Fungus Fix 已停產,在經一番搜尋下終於找到一隻類似的產品 ── 就是來自德國品牌足博士 (Callusan) 中的凝膠再生膏 (Unguisan Nail Tincture),它的創新配方用了純天然成份不含藥用的克霉唑及其他天然成份,包括:尿素,冰島海苔,黑加侖子萃取物,能有效對抗真菌並提供全面保護,保持滋潤和腳甲的柔韌,而且有經皮膚科測試,是適合糖尿病患者使用。


[Nail Polish at Home] Cute Little Palate

DIY nails is a hobby and an art-making. I have come across some very cute pallets on the Internet lately. Don’t those flower shape and paw ones just melt your heart? Even if you will not use it for painting, you can put some other nail art pieces on for pictures.

[在家美甲] 可愛的調色盤

現在應該比較多人在家做指甲了,當你想做Nail art的時候,會不會手忙腳亂弄到周圍都是顏色,你是需要一個調色盤去幫助你!最近在網上看到一個外型又美觀又開心的。你所看到的花花及狗狗手印圖案,是不是已經有心動買回家的感覺呢?其實它除了可用作調色盤外,還可以放上一些nail art假甲片在上面作道具拍照呢。

Safety Helmets for the Toes!

It is an agony to stumble over a furniture at home. The toes can hurt so bad! Now, your toes can be protected by little safety helmets.  They are very cute, are they not?




[Nail Art Classroom] Advanced Glitter Application

Amongst tons of nail pictures on the web, glitter on single shade has been quite a popular DIY nail choice. However, do you find it hard to make the duplication as nice as the demos?

I have a little tricks for you. I usually use two different glitters instead of one. The problem of using one kind of glitter is that, applying one layer may be too weak, applying two layers may become overkilled and lose its sense of depth.

Applying a single layer↓

Hope this can satisfy your DIY appetite. It never hurts to try out new stuff. You may even develop special techniques of your own.

The Island of Fuchsia in Summer

Fuchsia shade is hot and sexy on the nails. To make it even more exciting, you can design of flamingo or tropical plants. Hurry! Don’t let the last bit of summer slip away!