Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Get Gel Anywhere] LED Gel Nail Flash Light

It looks like a flashlight. When you open the cap, there is a transparent gel tip with blue light. What is this, really?

This is actually a hand held LED lamp. It is specially designed for nail art application. Before, it could get quite messy when you Press down stickers or thin strands with your fingers. Now it is much better with this gel tip. And with the LED light, the gel can dry up and set instantly. You no longer have to apply 2 to 3 layers of topcoat to Cover up the uneven surface.

[隨身Gel甲] Gel甲用LED照燈小電筒


它是⋯⋯手提的 LED 燈機,它的存在是有絕對價值的,是專門給 Nail Art用的! 以前貼一些玻璃紙或一條條線,用手去碰到甲面會令到甲面不乾淨,容易沾上小毛或油分。現在有了這個小工具,利用啫喱狀的頭就能夠把貼紙壓到更貼服甲面,加上 LED 照燈功能,使gel能夠立即固化定型,不用再塗上兩三層top coat覆蓋凹凸位置了!

[Japanese Gadget] Thoughtful Nail Buffing Paper

You can always find some thoughtfulness and creativity‘s in Japanese products. Like this nail buffing paper, it seems like a simple thing but they still assigned a different color to each surface of the paper. The pink side is for sanding and the yellow side is for buffing. It is so sensible you do not even need an instruction. You know well enough. Just start by sending the nails with the pink side and then buff with the yellow side. Avocado essence is added in the yellow side to give your nails some nourishment and extra shine. This product can be used before applying nail polish. You can use one sheet for all ten fingers.

This is something you can absolutely enjoy doing while watching TV.

[日本美甲小法寶] 神奇磨甲拋光紙




Is “Fingernail Ring” your thing?

Beauty is a beloved ritual. Women constantly re-transform their looks from head to toe. Aside from facial, manicure is another routine. In fact, The nail market is filled with prolific ideas. Let us focus on nail piercing. A hole is being made on the nail and you can hang a dangling ring on it as if it is an earring. This idea came out in the US over 10 years ago. It felt quite tacky though, since hooking rings on your nails sort of disable the finger. That is why not many people are fond of it and thus not many nail ring styles available.

Nail rings may be trendy in the western world. However, the Hong Kong people are too conservative for this. It just does not work well. When it comes to the art of nails, What appears to be a treasure for one can be trash to another. Just like fashions, the right kind of clothes can only complement with the right kind of person. So, what about you? What is your idea of the right kind of nails for yourself?

「甲環」是你喜歡的 Nail Art 嗎?

每個女生都愛美麗,由頭靚到落腳,除了做Facial之外,Gel甲都是很多人每月必做item之一。美甲款式層出不窮,其中一款名為 “Nail Piercing” 的款式,在指甲上釘窿,掛上各種吊飾,像帶耳環一樣,為指甲配上「甲環」。


雖然 Nail Piercing 在外國盛行多年,但在相對保守的香港,則不算太流行,但在指甲上弄吊飾,不是每個人都能carry得起,美甲藝術係 fashion,都有自己style的。有人接受,有人不接受,這就是對的衣服穿在的對的人身上。你們又認為什麼甲藝怎樣的 Nail Art 才適合自己呢?

What to do with Hiker’s Toenails?

I have been getting a lot of clients who love the great outdoor. Some of them may even go hiking a few times a week. This great exercise definitely can give you a lot of fresh air and great health. However, doing it too much can have some downsides on your toenails.

It may not see much, but extra pressureis gradually building up in the toes during long distance hiking. this may cause the toenails to become disfigured and unsightful. In more serious cases, the nails may even become detached.

If this happened, I would suggest to use anti-fungal medicine to kill the germs. If the problem is a bit serious, we can apply acrylic nails two protect the Toenail while it is healing. But if the problem is very bad, you may need to see the doctor first.

[山系女孩注意] 行山太多 腳趾變型怎麼辦?




Why do I get Bumpy Nails?

Bumpy nails are not just unsightful. They can be a sign of health problem. Let us dig into the cause of bumpy nails here.

The experts believe that Bumpy Nails are ill nails.  They are mostly having Malnutrition or Fungal problems.   The nail plates can be thin, having horizontal lines or bumpy dots. When the problem gets serious, The nails can be splitting, thickened, dull and even brittle. The reasons can be as follows,

1. Fungal Infection.  If the person does not have a good cleaning habits, The nails can be infested and look bumpy. If the problem is accompanied by yellow and thickened nails, that is for sure fungal nails. Go check with a doctor and have them treated.

2. Malnutrition.  Starvation, paralyzed fingers, fingers held at a fixed position, etc. can hinder nail growth.  This means bumpy nails can relate to lack of nutrition.  Generally speaking, this is a sign off calcium and protein depletions.  You should always intake plenty of eggs and garlics to get your nails healthy .

3. The Weather.  The temperature starts to drop during autumn and it gets cold when winter comes. During this time, The body can develop vasoconstriction. Blood circulation slows down. Tips of the fingers become anoxia.    Therefore, bumpy Nails come along.


1. Create good environmental and personal hygiene. Never let the fungus to infest.

2. Do not share personal items such as socks, shoes, slippers and towels.  This is the number one reason for cross infections.

Wish you all have beautiful and healthy nails!









