Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

What to do with Ingrown Nails?

Ingrown toenails are not uncommon.  We have talked about previously that this problem could be inherited or caused by poor habits.

You can find out more through this Link

The person in this picture has cut the sides of her nails too deeply into the skin and did not file down the corners. This already has made her toes painful enough.  What made it worse was that she run often which put extra stress on the front of her feet.  This resulted in harden skin which made it hurt even more.

<Pic. 1 before>

First, we removed the tough skin To decrease the stressful feeling.  Then we cut off the sharp corners with a sharp scissors and rounded them down to prevent further ingrowing problem.

<Pic. 2 after>

It was not advisable to believe that this problem can be solved in one shot.  You need to change your habit.

1. Do not cut your nails too short.

2. Do not cut the corners too deep into the skin.

3. Have your pedicure done

Buy a nail technician to lessen re-development of the problem.

[嵌甲不用怕] 三步就可以令腳趾不再疼痛

相信很多人對於「嵌甲」(又稱掙甲) 都不陌生。嵌甲,英文為 Ingrown Nails,意思指指甲向內生長,而我們之前有些文章提及到除左天生,後天也會有影響的。



<圖片一 before>


<圖片二 after>


[Go Green] 綠色指甲油都可以飛甩老土


今次小編手甲配搭上是用綠色系列,使用一個深灰綠和粉系的灰綠,而我不想整個感覺帶太灰,所以當中配搭一個象牙白,加一些金閃、暈染nail art,時尚又高貴。

另外,跟上圖的手甲所選的顏色是一樣的,運用了不同的nail art有不一樣的感覺,下圖則用了最近韓國時興的「蛋白殼」甲跟幾何圖案,加上matte finishing,青春又文青呢。

看完後有沒有激發你們的小宇宙呢?有些顏色是比較特別,你以為自己不會用到,但有時配搭同色系顏色或者nail art,會有意想不到的發生呢!

Green Nails are not always creepy

Green nails may not be a choice in anyone’s repertoire.  However, the right kind of green shades may give your nails a snazzy twist.

This time, I picked a dark and a pastel grayish green.  To tone down the grayish look, I integrated ivory shade with gold glitter.  I think it is groovy while glamorous the same time!

Furthermore, with the same shades, I made a Korean style egg shell nail with some simple shapes in matte finish.  Now don’t they look sprightly yet cultural?

Hope these ideas are inspiring for you!

May-June 2021 – Mani, Pedi & Nail Polish Early Summer Sale

As the weather warms up in this romantic months, it is time for some fresh new nails. Come to Rainbow Nails during May and June and enjoy a deep discount. You pay for only two services and get three in total. The services of in this promotion include: regular manicure and pedicure services, removable nail polish services, French nail, and so on… there is bound to be one that suits your needs. Do not miss out! Make your booking soon!

Please make appointment in advance – Cash or EPS payment only

[美甲優惠] 初夏美甲服務優惠 (2021年5/6月)




Madam Glam Gel Polish Remover

Soak off gel removal at home can be quite a pain.  Normally you have to file the surface and have all your 10 fingertips wrapped up in cotton balls and aluminum foil. For 10 minutes you cannot do anything except for staying still. The revolution came when Madam Glam Gel Polish Remover appeared.   It made Life so much simpler. All you have to do is to first file the gel surface lightly. Then brush over a layer of Madam Glam and watch the gel crack in the next 10 minutes. You simply peel off all the gel.  The best thing is: you can freely do whatever you want, such as your usual chores, typing or playing on the phone!

[缷甲唔駛包錫紙] Madam Glam 爆裂卸甲gel

相信唔少女生都有在家自己拆soak off gel的經驗,小編每次拆都幾麻煩架,首先磨甲面又要準備綿花錫紙包住指甲,多達十分鐘不能動,又不能同時浸雙手,真系超級費時。有見及始…小編最近留意到Madam Glam推出左新產品 “爆烈卸甲gel”,使用方法係超級簡單,只需輕輕磨走gel甲表面,然後塗上一層爆烈卸甲gel,等待10分鐘,gel甲顏色就會烈開,再將顏色撕走就完成喇!而且喺等待既過程中,手指自由活動不用包裹錫紙,可以如常工作,打字玩電話完全冇問題,十級簡單方便!可以輕鬆卸甲,換顏色冇難度了。

[Nail Care Regime] Corns vs Common Warts

99.9% of people mix up corns and common warts.  Since they look so much alike, they often get mistreated. It is worth it to take a closer look at these two diseases.

How are corns and common warts different from each other?

These two common skin diseases look alike.   Common warts are often being mistaken and treated as corns.  The warts end up more infested and become more stubborn.  Therefore, it is very important to be able to identify the correct thing.

The symptoms of corns and common warts

1. Corns

Corns are thick and hardened skin caused by prolonged friction and pressures.  They are often found at the middle front part of the souls, The outside of the smallest toes or the inside of the big toes.  Sometimes, they even develop on top part of toes.  They are the size of peace, with smooth surface and yellow in color.  Inside they are in cone shape that reached the nerve.  This can cause pain when the patient walks.

2 Common Warts

Common warts are infection caused by Human papilloma virus.  They are also being called Verrucae.  They are the size of corns when started but then develop into the size of beans.  They appear in light gray or dull yellow that feel rough and hard. The patient usually won’t feel anything unless the warts  are being pressed or rubbed against.  In this case, they will hurt and sometimes bleeding.  Common warts usually appear on the back of the hand, back of the fingers, the neck and the back, etc.  If the patient found this problem to be serious. They must consult the doctor soon.

[99.9%的人都看了的養生之道] 雞眼和尋常疣的區別

99.9%的人都看了的養生之道! 由於雞眼和尋常疣長的很像,因此容易把兩者混淆,延誤治療。雞眼和尋常疣的分別,下面一起來看看。





