Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Makes in Shiny] Revlon DIY Electric Nail Buffer

Many people has developed a habit of doing their nails at home these days. We have a great product to tell you about: the Revlon Crazy Shine Nail Buffer.  For those who always wear nail polish, there are times they want to take a break.  Buffing is the ideal way for the nails to look clean and healthy without clear polish on, during recuperation period.

The package comes with four sending rings of two different grits – green ones and white ones.

First, use A green sanding ring to smooth out the nail surface. Brush away the nail dust. Put on the white sending ring on the block and buff the nail up to a glass-like shine.

*Keep in mind to wrap the white ring back in the original plastic band.  This can keep it last longer.

*You can use the buffer once every 4 to 5 days. Over buffing can weaken the nails though!

[Make it Shiny!] Revlon 家用電動亮甲機







[Nail Art] Get Good Luck in the Year of Ox

The zodiac animals are very much adored by nail art lovers. In this year of 2021, Moo moo cow is the star.

Here I drew a milking cow. A gray shade is applied for the irregular marks. Then I drew the head and the tail. Here I chose dark red and dark brown which complement to the color of the milking cow. With a bit of gold strand and gold glitter, it definitely can bring up your spirit.

[缷甲大忌] 這個缷下 Gel 甲的大忌,你有沒有試過?

LED Soak Off Gel甲無疑是相當吸引,不用特別打理又可以維持至少兩星期的時間,深受不少女生歡迎。但隨住指甲生長,甲飾處於一個尷尬期,便要回美甲店拆卸,卻是一件惱人的事。



  1. 先使用指甲挫磨指甲表面的Top Coat,能夠讓後續卸甲液更好滲進甲內。
  2. 之後再準備卸甲液,將化妝棉浸濕後,放在指甲表面上,化妝棉需完全覆蓋整塊指甲,及後再用鋁箔紙將十隻手指包起,等待15分鐘。
  3. 最後除去錫紙,掃走餘下的甲油便大功告成!值得留意是,卸甲後的指甲會特別脆弱,所以記緊塗抹指甲滋養油和拍指甲蛋白油,使指甲變得更堅硬。

簡易保養Soak Off Gel甲的壽命:

如果沒有足夠油分就會脫落。若指甲邊緣有足夠滋潤度,能延長LED Soak Off Gel甲的壽命。甲緣護理油可將油分往指甲內推進,保持十指滋潤,避免指邊皮膚乾燥,死皮及倒刺問題出現,從而導致LED Soak Off Gel甲脫落。


Mistakes People usually make when Removing LED Soak Off Gel

LED soak off gel is very popular because of its’ attractiveness and free of maintenance. It usually can hold up to two weeks until the real nails are growing and reviewing underneath.   Some people may skip going to the salon. 

Instead they will attempt to pull the gel off by themselves without realizing that this could be a big mistake.  In fact, brutally ripping off soak-off gel can damage the top layer of the nail plate, making the nail fragile and brittle.

If visiting the nail technician is a problem, please follow the DIY guide for removing soak off gel below to avoid damaging yOur real nails.

Three easy steps to remove LED soak off gel:

  1. First thin down the gel layer with a nail file.  This helps  the gel removing liquid to work more effectively.
  2. Saturate cosmetic cotton with the removing liquid.  Lay them on the nails, making sure that they cover well.  Wrap all the fingertips up witH aluminum foil’s. Wait for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the Foils and gently brush away the gel. At this moment the nails are quite fragile.  You may want to apply some cuticle oil and protein oil to strengthen them.

Simple maintenance for your soak off gel:

The gel will come off if there is not enough oil. It is always smart to apply some nail oil at the edge of the soak-off gel.  The oil will not only soak in through the sides of the gel, the cuticle will also be moisturized.  When Dead skin and peeling cuticles are avoided, the soak off gel will stay on for much longer.

Con’on! It is time to check whether you have made ny of those mistakes!

[牛年行大運] 牛牛 Nail Art



Can Lemon Juice really Whiten Nails?

Over the years, nail polish makers have switched from chemical formulas to non-toxic and unharmful ingredients. Even so, prolonged use of dark shades can still stain the nails, since dark pigments usually penetrate deeper into the nail plates. To avoid that, you may want to alternate to light shades sometimes. Those who never remove their nail polish are also prone to yellow nails.  The pigments stay on the nail and produce chemical reactions.  This is like going to sleep with make-up. The skin cannot get to be cleaned and replenished which ends up with a lot of problems. In rare cases, serious yellow nails can be a sign of fungus. If your nails are thick and brittle and you Hartley use Annie nail products, you would better go to see a doctor for fungal nails.

When you are sure that your yellow nails are caused by dark nail polish, you can simply just quit using them until they return to normal.  Otherwise, you may try to use lemon juice, since it is acidic and has whitening power.  It can remove The yellow Ness without damaging the nail.

The way to do it is quite simple. Just Dav with either a nail brush, a toothbrush or a cotton ball into a cut lemon. Better yet, you can directly rub a lemon slice on the nail plate. The result will come on very quickly. Just give it a try!

[指甲變黃] 檸檬汁幫指甲去黃?真唔真?





[Truly Free of Toxins] Petit Nail Polish

Introducing PETIT nail polish from Taiwan.

Founded in 2016 and keeping safety for grown-ups and the little ones in mind, PETIT  launched a line of revolutionary nail products that were truly free of toxins and odors.  They were made with 70% of water and 30% of earth pigments.  Removal can be simply done by peeling off rather than using the harmful stuff.

In March of 2020, PETIT was they only brand from Asia to be shortlisted to enter the prestigious  Pure Beauty Global Awards.  The brand was even one of the finalists in Best New Natural Product, Best New Design and Packaging, and Best New Hand and Nail Product.

PETIT is absolutely one of the safest choice for parents to get for the kids, as well as for pregnant ladies.

[真•冇毒] 台灣小小PETIT指甲油

小篇今次為大家介紹台灣推出的指甲油品牌 – 小小PETIT


而2020年3月份,小小Petit 還成為「全球美妝大獎Pure Beauty Global Awards」唯一入圍決選既亞洲品牌,而且獲得「最佳天然保養品」、「最佳設計包裝」、「最佳手部指甲產品」等多項入圍肯定。
