Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

COVID-19 新型肺炎防疫措施 – 2020年12月

為配合政府最新的防疫措施,Rainbow Nails 由2020年12月10日至2020年12月23日需暫時關閉,稍後將會逐一聯絡受影響的客人,請耐心等候。在暫停營業期間我將定時進行店內徹底消毒,務求為大家提供一個舒適潔淨的環境。

3 things you do to Gel Nails that will make you Regret

Soak off gel has always been a favorite because of its super shine and durability. Customers practically rush into nail salons before the long holidays for them.

However, caring is very important since the real nails are becoming thin and brittle after you have them done. Here are the three things you should not do advised by our nail technicians.

1. Ignore Cleaning
Although the nails are covered by a layer of hardened gel, they are still growing underneath. The experts advise to soak the nails for five minutes before cleaning. Then use an ingrown nail stick to gently scrape away the dirt inside the grooves. Do this at least once a week.

2. Remove the gel nails by yourself
It may seem to have saved time and money when you peel the gel nails off by yourself. Little that you know that this has created crisis to your nails. Since this can seriously damage the carotene layer of the nails, The nail plates Will become brittle and will split easily. The best thing to do is to head off to the nail salon after 2 to 3 weeks to get them gently removed.

3. Trimming The gel nails by yourself
Nail technicians will usually apply a layer of sealant to the top of the gel nails to prevent chipping, lifting and tearing. You can imagine once you use the scissors to cut off the top edge, The seal will be gone and the nails cannot last long. I can sugggest that you use a manicure file to slowly file away the excessive gel. That will work much better!

Gel甲後三件做了會後悔的事 – 第二項真的不要亂試

放聖誕假前,女孩們都正在忙於預約做 Soak-Off Gel 光療指甲,迎接假期來臨。
Soak-Off Gel 因高持久度與強大光澤感大受女孩們歡迎,成了不少人的例行公事,不過如何好好照顧妳的 Gel甲,妳真的懂嗎?妳的指甲正在變薄變脆弱妳卻不自知?今次就由我們的專業美甲師告訴妳,大部分顧客所缺乏的Gel甲常識,

  1. 忽略清潔
    Soak-Off Gel 以base凝膠覆蓋甲面表層,色膠覆蓋之下指甲也會同步生長,雖然 Gel 甲外觀美麗,
  2. 自行拔除Gel甲
  3. 自行剪Gel甲

What are Acrylic Nails made of?

When it comes to creating an illusion of longer and slimmer fingers, acrylic nails can do the tricks. Many sisters are addicted to get them done in the salons, since elegant nails can be so sassy and inspiring. But hey, how much do you really know about acrylic nails? What are they actually made off?

The story began with the wife of a dentist who got a chipped nail one day in the 1950s.  To comfort this poor lady, her good husband combined laboratory aluminium foil with dental acrylic and invented the first piece of acrylic nail.  Just like how they do it in salons nowadays, by mixing liquid monomer and powder polymer into a network formation which then harden, an acrylic resin was formed.  The emergence of acrylic nails in the world of beauty has later let to the booming business of nail salons.  Ever since, acrylic nails has been a favorite of  beauty queens and Smart casual ones alike. 

Acrylic nails are not just for adorning fingers though. They also have some practical purposes. Prevention of nail biting is one of them. (I guess no one will want to swallow an acrylic piece .)  For those who have trouble growing long nails, acrylic nails are ideal for nail extensions.  And what is more? Do not leave out the original purpose of repairing broken nails.

If you have a stubborn habit of nail biting, you can give acrylic nail a try.

Hangnail Care for Men

Have you ever had a hangnail (split cuticle)? It can be quite tempting to peel it off. This can injured the cuticle and lead to a swelling finger tip.  The pain may last for quite a few days. Cracked cuticles affect both genders. The problem can be more common among men as opposed to women. In order not to live with swelling fingertips all the time, the nail technician can help you.   Nail salons are not just a place for trimming nails and polishing them. The technician will also take care of annoying cuticle problems in a proper and professional way during the manicure process. Your nails can be strengthened and protected for healthy growth.

In these days when we all have to raise our hygiene level, frequent cleaning with alcohol and detergents are part of life. Hangnail are affecting us more than before. To avoid infections, make a call and trip to the salon quick! Professional manicure is no longer women’s privilege nowadays!

4步舒緩腳踭乾燥 – 第4項最為重要!



  1. 經常用刀削走腳踭硬皮
  2. 經常赤腳
  3. 自生皮膚乾燥
  4. 皮膚受感染


  1. 如果乾燥嚴重,可先用溫水泡腳15分鐘,然後用腳板挫磨走角質層,但不應使用過度頻密,約兩星期使用一次即可
  2. 當腳踭乾燥時,應注重保濕,早晚塗含油脂的乳霜,如凡土林
  3. 若受到真菌感染,可購買些可殺滅真菌的藥膏,或資詢醫生,但必須每天使用直至完成整個療程,康復後脫皮及乾燥情況會得到改善
  4. 預防及保養小貼士: 日常回家可使用 Heidi’s germ wise 殺菌噴霧,消毒雙腳及鞋內外,預防真菌增生,而且噴霧內沒有酒精成份,不會令皮膚乾燥。小編亦推介 Cuccio 腳踭膏,這款腳踭膏氣味清香,而且小編不太喜歡凡士林塗後的痴立立感覺,而 Cuccio 腳踭膏用後質感較比爽身,所以推薦各位一試。


4 ways to ease Dry Heels – Last Point is the most important

Dry heels is a common problem among men and women alike during change of seasons.  What are the causes of dry heels? And how can we resolve this problem?

Who are more likely to get dry heels?

1. Those who shave frequently

Since the blade of a shaver can be quite irritating , The skin will respond with a self protective mechanism by producing a harder layer of cuticle. As time goes by, cracked heels appear.

2. Those who Bare-feet all the time

Ditching the socks when putting on shoes are likely to end up with thickened  cuticles for the person.

3. Naturally dry

Some people just have dehydrated skin. Their sweat glands cannot work properly.

4. Infections

When the weather  is stuffy and humid, those who often wear tight shoes with stockings May create a perfect breeding ground for fungus.  once infected, the fit will develop problems like odor, peeling and cracking heels.

What are the solutions?

  1. If the skin is very thick, soak the feet in warm water for 15 minutes first. Then use a pedicure foot Fowler to file away the cuticle.
  2. If the heel is very dry, apply a rich moisturizers such as Vaseline in the morning and evening.
  3. If the feet has been attacked by fungus, use a fungal cream or go to see the doctor. Keep in mind the fungal cream should be applied until the fungus problem has completely disappeared. When the feet recovered, the problem of dry skin and peeling will improve.

Tips for prevention: When you get home, use Heidi’s germ wise antiseptic spray on your feet and inside the shoes to prevent growth of fungus. It does not contain alcohol that will dry out your skin. I would also recommend  cuccoi pedicure foot scrub. Do it with perservance to keep your feet from dry and crack


有冇試過指甲生倒刺? 係唔係第一下就係會想撕走佢? 有時撕得唔好就會流血收場…….傷口仲要又又腫又痛, keep 住幾日先可以好番。
其實指甲生倒刺係不論男女都會發生,甚至男士生倒刺問題可以比女士更嚴重。唔想手指頭腫晒,就要搵 nail salon 嘅專業人仕幫手! 去nail salon並唔只係搽下指甲油同修短指甲咁簡單,修甲時嘅時候修甲師會為客人好小心咁處理埋倒刺問題,咁就可以同指甲打好個底,令佢地健康生長。
無論男士還是女士,如果受以上問題困擾,不妨預約修甲師,處理一下倒刺問題,尤其係而家雙手成日要接觸好多含有不同化學物質嘅消毒用品,更加要好好護理雙手呀,去nail salon 不再是女士專利!






Spice up your Nails with Halloween Accents

The arrival of October is prompting us to get ready for Halloween.  To give that nails some festive look, let me provide you with some spooky and ghoulish Halloween ideas.

You can never go wrong with Halloween icons  like pumpkins, Frankenstein and spiderwebs.  As for the choice of base shades, Orange, purple and black can always make a hit in Halloween.