Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Reasons of Thick Toe Nails] 5 Causes you must know (I)

Have you thought of thick toenails could be a sign of health problems?

Are your toenails growing thicker?  Most people do not think much of it since the toenails are hidden inside the shoes.  However, if one continues to brush off the problem, what can happen? First,  let us discuss the root causes.

Five major reasons of thick toenails:

1. Onychauxis / Thick Nail Syndrome

The nails have grown abnormally and the nail plates become evenly thick. This kind of disorder is usually caused by nail matrix involvement.

2. Congenital

The nails are greenish yellow. Not only that they are thick, they can be extremely hard to. They also curl up as they grow. Sometimes they grow into horseshoe shapes or even tube shapes. Any of the nails can grow thick and become deformed. Even when they come off, they will still grow out the same ways.

3. Cornification Excess Type Tinea Pedis

This kind of nail thickening disorder is usually accompanied by redness on the soles, as well as thickened, rough and deepening of lines on the skin.

4. Chronic diseases

Thickening of the nails can be a sign of respiratory disease, thyroid disease and Lymphatic disease along with other symptoms.

5. Aging

Older people usually have thicker nails. The reason could be due to slow metabolism rate off the horny layer of the nails.

Besides these five causes, there is yet one more reason for thickening nails. We will discuss about that in our upcoming post.

腳趾甲變厚了? 5種需要了解的原因(一)


什麼原因會讓腳趾甲變厚? 你有留意到腳趾甲變厚了嗎? 不少人覺得腳趾甲變厚沒什麼大不了,藏在鞋子裡就算腳趾甲變厚也沒人看得到,可是腳趾甲變厚放任不管的下場你又是否清楚呢?












只有這五種原因? 其實還有一種,留待我們下一次再探討。

[不只是紅紅綠綠] 不一樣的聖誕美甲款式

又到聖誕~ 疫情下雖然大家未必有太多約會,但聖誕前女士們亦可以幫指甲做些聖誕款式 Nail Art,增加多點聖誕感覺!聖誕顏色都是來來去去紅色綠色,小編亦做到悶了~ 所以今次試試粉紅色為主,營造不一樣的聖誕氣氛,粉紅色配上金色聖誕樹,再加閃石做點綴 ,又bling bling又搶眼,大家不妨襯在家中為自問做一套不一樣的聖誕手甲,開心迎接2021的來臨吧!

Christmazing Nail Art

This Christmas you may have to lock yourself at home. But that should not stop you from dressing up. After all, you might get a surprise visit from the Internet! So let me give you a surprise idea on Christmas nail art. Let us ditch the tacky red and green colors.

How about using a gorgeous pink shade to match with a golden Christmas tree? Accentuate with little crystals and there you have a dazzling Christmas nail. Isn’t this something else?

[窩心小設計] 日本Edison 鯨魚造型嬰幼兒放大鏡指甲剪

小朋友手指甲細細,如家長用成人的指甲剪為bb剪指甲,應該倍增困難,日本 “EDISON” 就推出十分窩心設計的嬰兒指甲剪,指甲剪剪口位設計細小,非常合適剪小朋友的小手甲。而特別之處,就係附有放大鏡,修剪時每一部分都睇得清清楚楚,唔怕唔留神剪傷小朋友既小指甲,十分貼心。

Special Notice for COVID-19 Arrangement in December 2020

According to Government Announcement, all Nail Salons in Hong Kong must be Closed for 2 weeks started from December 10 to 23, 2020 due to Coronavirus Outbreak. All services and appointment of Rainbow Nails will be re-arranged. Details will be announced later. Stay safe and healthy, we are looking forward to seeing you soon.

COVID-19 新型肺炎防疫措施 – 2020年12月

為配合政府最新的防疫措施,Rainbow Nails 由2020年12月10日至2020年12月23日需暫時關閉,稍後將會逐一聯絡受影響的客人,請耐心等候。在暫停營業期間我將定時進行店內徹底消毒,務求為大家提供一個舒適潔淨的環境。

3 things you do to Gel Nails that will make you Regret

Soak off gel has always been a favorite because of its super shine and durability. Customers practically rush into nail salons before the long holidays for them.

However, caring is very important since the real nails are becoming thin and brittle after you have them done. Here are the three things you should not do advised by our nail technicians.

1. Ignore Cleaning
Although the nails are covered by a layer of hardened gel, they are still growing underneath. The experts advise to soak the nails for five minutes before cleaning. Then use an ingrown nail stick to gently scrape away the dirt inside the grooves. Do this at least once a week.

2. Remove the gel nails by yourself
It may seem to have saved time and money when you peel the gel nails off by yourself. Little that you know that this has created crisis to your nails. Since this can seriously damage the carotene layer of the nails, The nail plates Will become brittle and will split easily. The best thing to do is to head off to the nail salon after 2 to 3 weeks to get them gently removed.

3. Trimming The gel nails by yourself
Nail technicians will usually apply a layer of sealant to the top of the gel nails to prevent chipping, lifting and tearing. You can imagine once you use the scissors to cut off the top edge, The seal will be gone and the nails cannot last long. I can sugggest that you use a manicure file to slowly file away the excessive gel. That will work much better!

Gel甲後三件做了會後悔的事 – 第二項真的不要亂試

放聖誕假前,女孩們都正在忙於預約做 Soak-Off Gel 光療指甲,迎接假期來臨。
Soak-Off Gel 因高持久度與強大光澤感大受女孩們歡迎,成了不少人的例行公事,不過如何好好照顧妳的 Gel甲,妳真的懂嗎?妳的指甲正在變薄變脆弱妳卻不自知?今次就由我們的專業美甲師告訴妳,大部分顧客所缺乏的Gel甲常識,

  1. 忽略清潔
    Soak-Off Gel 以base凝膠覆蓋甲面表層,色膠覆蓋之下指甲也會同步生長,雖然 Gel 甲外觀美麗,
  2. 自行拔除Gel甲
  3. 自行剪Gel甲

What are Acrylic Nails made of?

When it comes to creating an illusion of longer and slimmer fingers, acrylic nails can do the tricks. Many sisters are addicted to get them done in the salons, since elegant nails can be so sassy and inspiring. But hey, how much do you really know about acrylic nails? What are they actually made off?

The story began with the wife of a dentist who got a chipped nail one day in the 1950s.  To comfort this poor lady, her good husband combined laboratory aluminium foil with dental acrylic and invented the first piece of acrylic nail.  Just like how they do it in salons nowadays, by mixing liquid monomer and powder polymer into a network formation which then harden, an acrylic resin was formed.  The emergence of acrylic nails in the world of beauty has later let to the booming business of nail salons.  Ever since, acrylic nails has been a favorite of  beauty queens and Smart casual ones alike. 

Acrylic nails are not just for adorning fingers though. They also have some practical purposes. Prevention of nail biting is one of them. (I guess no one will want to swallow an acrylic piece .)  For those who have trouble growing long nails, acrylic nails are ideal for nail extensions.  And what is more? Do not leave out the original purpose of repairing broken nails.

If you have a stubborn habit of nail biting, you can give acrylic nail a try.