Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Hangnail Care for Men

Have you ever had a hangnail (split cuticle)? It can be quite tempting to peel it off. This can injured the cuticle and lead to a swelling finger tip.  The pain may last for quite a few days. Cracked cuticles affect both genders. The problem can be more common among men as opposed to women. In order not to live with swelling fingertips all the time, the nail technician can help you.   Nail salons are not just a place for trimming nails and polishing them. The technician will also take care of annoying cuticle problems in a proper and professional way during the manicure process. Your nails can be strengthened and protected for healthy growth.

In these days when we all have to raise our hygiene level, frequent cleaning with alcohol and detergents are part of life. Hangnail are affecting us more than before. To avoid infections, make a call and trip to the salon quick! Professional manicure is no longer women’s privilege nowadays!

4步舒緩腳踭乾燥 – 第4項最為重要!



  1. 經常用刀削走腳踭硬皮
  2. 經常赤腳
  3. 自生皮膚乾燥
  4. 皮膚受感染


  1. 如果乾燥嚴重,可先用溫水泡腳15分鐘,然後用腳板挫磨走角質層,但不應使用過度頻密,約兩星期使用一次即可
  2. 當腳踭乾燥時,應注重保濕,早晚塗含油脂的乳霜,如凡土林
  3. 若受到真菌感染,可購買些可殺滅真菌的藥膏,或資詢醫生,但必須每天使用直至完成整個療程,康復後脫皮及乾燥情況會得到改善
  4. 預防及保養小貼士: 日常回家可使用 Heidi’s germ wise 殺菌噴霧,消毒雙腳及鞋內外,預防真菌增生,而且噴霧內沒有酒精成份,不會令皮膚乾燥。小編亦推介 Cuccio 腳踭膏,這款腳踭膏氣味清香,而且小編不太喜歡凡士林塗後的痴立立感覺,而 Cuccio 腳踭膏用後質感較比爽身,所以推薦各位一試。


4 ways to ease Dry Heels – Last Point is the most important

Dry heels is a common problem among men and women alike during change of seasons.  What are the causes of dry heels? And how can we resolve this problem?

Who are more likely to get dry heels?

1. Those who shave frequently

Since the blade of a shaver can be quite irritating , The skin will respond with a self protective mechanism by producing a harder layer of cuticle. As time goes by, cracked heels appear.

2. Those who Bare-feet all the time

Ditching the socks when putting on shoes are likely to end up with thickened  cuticles for the person.

3. Naturally dry

Some people just have dehydrated skin. Their sweat glands cannot work properly.

4. Infections

When the weather  is stuffy and humid, those who often wear tight shoes with stockings May create a perfect breeding ground for fungus.  once infected, the fit will develop problems like odor, peeling and cracking heels.

What are the solutions?

  1. If the skin is very thick, soak the feet in warm water for 15 minutes first. Then use a pedicure foot Fowler to file away the cuticle.
  2. If the heel is very dry, apply a rich moisturizers such as Vaseline in the morning and evening.
  3. If the feet has been attacked by fungus, use a fungal cream or go to see the doctor. Keep in mind the fungal cream should be applied until the fungus problem has completely disappeared. When the feet recovered, the problem of dry skin and peeling will improve.

Tips for prevention: When you get home, use Heidi’s germ wise antiseptic spray on your feet and inside the shoes to prevent growth of fungus. It does not contain alcohol that will dry out your skin. I would also recommend  cuccoi pedicure foot scrub. Do it with perservance to keep your feet from dry and crack


有冇試過指甲生倒刺? 係唔係第一下就係會想撕走佢? 有時撕得唔好就會流血收場…….傷口仲要又又腫又痛, keep 住幾日先可以好番。
其實指甲生倒刺係不論男女都會發生,甚至男士生倒刺問題可以比女士更嚴重。唔想手指頭腫晒,就要搵 nail salon 嘅專業人仕幫手! 去nail salon並唔只係搽下指甲油同修短指甲咁簡單,修甲時嘅時候修甲師會為客人好小心咁處理埋倒刺問題,咁就可以同指甲打好個底,令佢地健康生長。
無論男士還是女士,如果受以上問題困擾,不妨預約修甲師,處理一下倒刺問題,尤其係而家雙手成日要接觸好多含有不同化學物質嘅消毒用品,更加要好好護理雙手呀,去nail salon 不再是女士專利!






Spice up your Nails with Halloween Accents

The arrival of October is prompting us to get ready for Halloween.  To give that nails some festive look, let me provide you with some spooky and ghoulish Halloween ideas.

You can never go wrong with Halloween icons  like pumpkins, Frankenstein and spiderwebs.  As for the choice of base shades, Orange, purple and black can always make a hit in Halloween.

[Manicure Tips] Soak-off Gel Lamp Q&A

Many people wonder why their soak-off gel sometimes does not last.  It gets gooey and tacky. This usually it’s is because of insufficient curing.  The following items list out  are why the lamps sometimes did not work properly.

1)Insufficient curing time

Sometimes the person left before the curing time was completed. Sometimes the person was using her phone, and fail to let the gel nails to stay completely under the lamp the whole time.

2)Light bulb worn out

Each light bulb has a service life.  When it is getting old, the curing efficiency will decrease.   Therefore, it is important to change the lightbulb from time to time.

3) Excessive gel

When the gel is too thick, The lamp cannot effectively cure all the way to the bottom of the gel nail.  Sometimes when the surface is completely dry, the bottom is only half dried.

4) Wrong kind of gel

There are two kinds of gel lamp: UV lamp and LED lamp. If you get the wrong kind of gel, your gel nail will not dry properly.

The above are the causes of problems that people generally encountered at home. You can go into a nail salon and have your nails done by a technician and find out the difference.


踩入十月份,又到一年一度 #萬聖節 喇!指甲當然都要畫上充滿節日氣氛的公仔迎合節日,小編準備幾款加入萬聖節元素的指甲彩繪比大家參考。

小編非常推薦大家在指甲上加入 #南瓜 、 #科學怪人 、 #蜘蛛網 等元素,底色可選用 #橙色 、 #紫色 、 #黑色 ,都係萬聖節中不可少的大熱顏色。

[Promotion] Enjoy Special Offers and Gifts to celebrate our 16th Anniversary

Rainbow Nails 16th Anniversary
Rainbow Nails 16th Anniversary

Happy Birthday to Rainbow Nails!
We are celebrating our 16 years of nail beauty service during our Anniversary month in October.

Starting from 8th October to 6th of November, Rainbow Nails is offering discounts in all our nail services along with a small customer appreciation gift. Come and share the joy with us and give your nails the perfect makeover.

[16週年感謝月] 指甲服務享折扣優惠 再送精緻小禮物

生日快樂!又一年了,今年是第十六年!十月是 Rainbow Nails 的週年紀念月,希望大家都可以一齊慶祝及報答客人多年來的支持😊 ,由2020年10月8日至11月6日,凡惠顧指甲服務,都會享有折扣優惠,而且我們還會送上小禮物,小小心意答謝大家支持 !