Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

水晶甲 Acrylic Nail 有甚麼好處呢?

#AcrylicNail #水晶甲 質地堅固耐用,同時亦有矯正甲型作用,可因個人喜好和需要做出不同的長短和厚薄。

如有延長的需要可以利用甲片或紙托,完成後的效果仿真度極高,指甲新長出來的位置亦並不顯眼,因此水晶甲是 #咬甲 、 #軟甲 、 #短甲 、 #容易斷甲 和 有 #分層甲 的人仕的 #救星 !

Rainbow Nails #中環 店地點方便又舒適,多位 #美甲 技師對 Acrylic Nail 水晶甲特別有心得,歡迎查詢!

#廣東話 #EnglishSpeaking #HongKong #Central #Premier #NailSalon


很多人都問為什麼有時候Gel甲 (Soak-off Gel) 顏色會容易剝落,掉下的感覺淋淋的,其實這是關乎於Gel並沒有 照 乾!而 Gel甲照不乾的常見原因有幾種:




要注意該產品是LED Gel還是UV Gel,用相對的照燈機,如果用錯都會發生照不乾的情況啊!


Beaming with Laser Manicure

Back in a few years ago, metallic nails was quite a hit.  Just a tiny box of powder, your nails would turn into little mirrors.  You can even check out your own reflection on them.

Recently, silvery white nail is in fashion.  You only need to apply on the tip of the nails.  This way can give the right amount of shine while avoid being overstated.  The sparkling effect is psychedelic.  They look nice with in whatever you wear and wherever you go.  No wonder it is a favorite of many Office Ladies.

[激光中穿梭] 幻彩雷射美甲



Can Over-cut Nails lead to Abscesses?

It is commonly believe that keeping the nails extremely short is a good hygiene practice. However, recently a male students who over cut his toenails and it himself up with chronic paronychia. His nails grew into the skin, causing the skin to swell up with disgusting pus. It basically looked like a lump growing on his toe, giving him excruciating pain. Doctors pointed out that, those who cut their nails too short, pulling nail or handling too much detergents are prone to have paronychia.

According to the news, this student usually cut his nails very short every week. He did not think much of it when his big toe swelled up and hurt. He thought it was the tight shoes that cause the pain during his basketball practices. He continued to ignored it until it started to look like a sarcoma. It hurt too much that he could not even put on his shoes. The doctor diagnosed it as chronic Paronychia.

The dermatologist said that this is a severe case. Granulation tissue has already formed on half of the big toenail. This was mainly caused by cutting the nails way too short. The nail then grew into the skin. With the presence of germs and prolonged friction, eventually it resulted in repeated infection. Apart from improper nail cutting, pooling of nails and handling too much detergent can also lead to paronychia. If the person continued to ignore the symptoms, it would gradually turn into serious chronic paronychia.

Dermatologists gave three advice to prevent Paronychia. Firstly, do not cut nails too short. Start by trimming of the shop corners. Then cut the nail across by leaving one millimeter white space on the top. Secondly, don’t wear shoes that are too tight. A good shoe should have enough space at the front allowing the toes to move. Lastly, since infection may happen if the skin is injured while clipping the nails. It is advisable to cut nails after shower.. The nails will be soft. It is easier to cut and injuries is less likely to happen.

剪指甲要剪幾入? 剪得太盡會生瘡流膿!






[Perfect for Gradient Nails] OPI Neo-Pearl 2020 Infinite Shine Nail Lacquer

You know it is special when we make a separate post to talk about the OPI Infinite Shine collection nail polish of the same series. And it is!  I was struck  when I first saw the translucent and luminous collection. The effect changes as you ad on the layers.  If you use white as the Base-coat, you can build up the layers and create a three dimensional pearlized effect. This is perfect for creating gradient nails.  Here’s how you can do it:

Start by applying first coat to all five fingers. let dry.  While leaving the pinky alone, apply second coat to the rest four fingers and so on.  The thumb will be the only one that has five coats.  There you got a vertical ombre that goes from transparent to opaque.

E94 You’re Full of Abalone

E95 I’m A Natural

E96 Glisten Carefully!

E97 Love or Lust-er?

E98 Two Baroque Pearls

E99 Olive For Pearls

[玩漸變都得] OPI Neo-Pearl 2020 Infinite Shine 指甲油

相信讀者們都知道我們好少介紹 OPI 的 Infinite Shine Lacquer 指甲油,因為每次同系列的顏色是一樣,但今次一定一定要介紹!因為小編見到已經心心眼,它的質地中那種透薄外還加點通透感,每塗一層就有不同變化,你可以因應自己喜好而去選擇;喜歡嘗試珍珠3D效果,你可用白色作底色;想添玩味可做個漸變,由尾指塗一層,無名指塗兩層,如此類推,到手指公塗五層(不過要多點時間等乾喔)。

E94 You’re Full of Abalone

E95 I’m A Natural

E96 Glisten Carefully!

E97 Love or Lust-er?

E98 Two Baroque Pearls

E99 Olive For Pearls

[我們回來了!] Rainbow Nails Re-Open on Aug 28!

Rainbow Nails will be re-opened from Aug 28 (Friday), Happy to see you all again 😄😄😄

由 2020 年 8 月 28 日 (星期五)開始, Rainbow Nails 將回復正常營業時間,歡迎預約服務!

Whatsapp: +852 9093 2622

[2020 Limited Edition] OPI Neo-Pearl Collections Nail Lacquer / LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

Vivid colors such as pink, yellow and purple blue are not the only choice for Summer, cool oceanic colors can also compliment.  OPI NeoPearl Limited Edition collections bring you six fantasy shades including nude, ivory and iridescent violet. These gorgeous mermaid’s colors are available in both nail lacquer and LED GelColor Soak-off Gel collections. This is a must have for the outdoor lovers and cutie pies!

Shellabrate Good Times!

Pretty in Pearl

Shellmates Forever!

Just a Hint of Pearl-ple

Did You See Those Mussels? Two Pearls in a Pod