Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[仙氣up up up!] OPI Neo-Pearl 2020 限量系列 指甲油 / LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

除了色彩繽紛的粉紅、黃、藍紫等代表夏天,其實帶有海洋氣息的顏色都好夏日,OPI 的 2020 限量系列——Neo-Pearl collection,一套六款,分別有白珍珠色、自然珍珠色、幻彩紫等等。這套人魚色系列 LED GELCOLOR Soak-off Gel 和指甲油同步推出,女孩們要try try 仙氣up up up!

Shellabrate Good Times!

Pretty in Pearl

Shellmates Forever!

Just a Hint of Pearl-ple

Did You See Those Mussels?

Two Pearls in a Pod

Little Ladies’ Birthday Nail Party – Creativity Power Up!

If you are thinking about having a birthday party for your little ones at McDon’s again, why not something different this year? Sometimes ago we held a nail party at Rainbow Nails. It was super fun! Those adorable 10-year-olds were showing their bright ideas and creativities all in their own special fun ways.

“Excuse me. Since you are called rainbow nails, could you please put The colors of rainbow on my nails?”

Those little girls not only like to play grown-ups, they want to look good just like their moms.

Nurturing good taste should start at a young age.

If you do not want another eating and drinking party for your precious one’s next birthday, why not throw a fun little girls and mommies party at Rainbow Nails?

小朋友 Nail Party 生日會

正在煩惱為小朋友開怎樣的生日會? 還在想麥當當? 不如為小朋友們來一個 Nail Party 吧!

早前我們就為幾個小朋友在 Rainbow Nails 辦了一個包場 Nail Party ,別以為十歲上下的小朋友不懂扮靚,她們絕對是有要求有觸覺:

姐姐姐姐:「你們叫 Rainbow Nails,那麼可以幫我塗rainbow的顏色嗎?」

培養少女品味真的是要由小做起,與其又再是悶悶的飲飲食食生日派對,下一次就不如試一下一班媽媽和小朋友一起來一個 Nail Party 吧!

Amazing Nail Protection Pen from Japan

Sometimes, using Japanese gadgets can really brighten up the day. This time, we introduce a pen shape magic nail file. It comes with a pen cover and the core is removable. It may look like a regular pen, but the design is quite thoughtful.

The surface of the file is in V-shape which fits the shape of the fingernails. Nail dust Will be collected at the pen core which then can be removed and washed.

To find out how to use the Pen file, you can click on the YouTube link below

[好物分享] 來自日本的指甲魔術筆挫


指甲挫的表面是呈V型,跟手甲型態一樣容易使用,一路磨時粉末會存在於「筆身」內,磨完後只需拆開「筆身」,用水沖掉內部,待乾就可以了。詳細用法可以看一看YOUTUBE短片。 又可以隨身攜帶,又不會弄到其他地方,新手都好易上手,又一偉大恩物。

COVID-19 新型肺炎防疫措施 – 2020年7-8月

為配合政府最新的防疫措施,Rainbow Nails 由2020年7月15日至2020年8月25日需暫時關閉,稍後將會逐一聯絡受影響的客人,請耐心等候。在暫停營業期間我將定時進行店內徹底消毒,務求為大家提供一個舒適潔淨的環境。

Special Notice for COVID-19 Arrangement in July/August 2020

According to Government Announcement, all Nail Salons in Hong Kong must be Closed for 5 weeks started from July 15, 2020 to August 25, 2020 due to Coronavirus Outbreak. All services and appointment of Rainbow Nails will be re-arranged. Details will be announced later. Stay safe and healthy, we are looking forward to seeing you soon.

[DIY Gel Nail at Home] Stylemate Color Gel Mixing Pen Kit

People are generally staying home more to avoid catching virus in these days.  Many ladies are getting into DIY gel nails.  However, the gel bottles are quite big in size and they could get expensive if you want to have a lot of colors.  I have recently found a solution for this on the Internet.  It is called the Color Gel Mixing Pen from Stylemate.  What it has is five basic colors and you can mix up to80 different shades.

This does-it-all kit has it all. Besides the five mixable primary color gel, the package also comes with an LED light, a nail file, nail guard stickers, a brush, a mixing plate, gel remover pads and cleansing pads.  To get yourself started. You must download their mobile application, O-pens, for tutorials.

1. Open the application and select the desired color

2. Squeeze the right amount of color gel onto the mixing plate according to the instructions

3. Mix the colors up with the gel pen.

4. Clean the nail service with a  cleansing pad

5. Stick a nail guard sticker on and trim away excessive parts with the nail file

6. Set up the LED light

7. Brush on the gel and place the nail under the light for 60 seconds (repeat the process for 2 to 3 times)

8. File the gel nail to a nice shape

You are done!

Another thing I like about this set is that the gel does not contain painter thin or any toxins 👍  it is not smelly at all! Sisters, y‘all can feel safe and healthy doing your nails at home!

Official Website: https://zh.stylemate.com.hk/shop

[安坐家中美甲] Stylemate自由調色美甲套裝

疫情當前,大家都留在家中減少外出,小編有留意好多女生們都會買指甲油,在家嘗試自己修甲,但gel甲顏色花多眼亂,小編自己做指甲都會心思思想擁有晒自己中意嘅顏色,但一支gel甲油價錢都唔便宜,而且大大支自己用係根本用唔晒。日前小編就喺網上發現到 Stylemate 嘅自由調色美甲套裝,依個套裝厲害之處就係佢只需5支嘅調色膠,就可以混出超過80種顏色!

依個小小而又五藏俱全嘅套裝非常齊料,內含5支調色膠(黑白藍黃紅),手提 LED 燈,小指甲挫,智慧指甲貼,甲油掃,混盒甲油膠板,仲有清潔紙巾!

大家使用前需要先到 app store下載 O-pens 應用程式, 然後:

1. 打開 app,先選擇想要嘅顏色

2. 選好後根據 app 提供嘅教學,將顏色吱喺調色板




6.安裝好 LED 燈







Enjoy Special Offer for Soak-off Gel Mani + Express Pedi at $630 (Jul/Aug 2020)

For $630, customers can enjoy both Soak-off gel manicure and Express Pedicure in our special July/August offer! It is time to put your feet in a pair of pretty sandals and even better is a set of gorgeous nails. Our promotions this time can take care of both your hands and your feet.

Original Price: $790

*EPS & Cash Only
*Promotion only for REAL NAILS (NOT include REMOVAL)

*by phone or Whatsapp reservation