Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[每月優惠] $630 Soak-off Gel 修手及快速修腳服務 (2020年7/8月)


又到了遊船河和沙灘的暑假,今個月來 Rainbow Nails 可以用優惠價 $630 享用 Soak-off Gel 可卸式凝膠修手及快速修腳服務! 又是時候弄靚靚手指及腳趾,穿起泳衣及涼鞋迎夏日了。





Which ones grows faster, Finger Nails or Toenails?

It is quite perplexing why fingernails grow faster than toenails. In fact, fingernails can grow up to three to four times faster than toenails. People usually do not have to cut their toenails so often. Why?

First, let us understand what nails are and why they grow. Nails are a protein called keratin. At the base of each nail, it is the nail matrix. The nail matrix gross out new cells, which push out the old cells along the nail bed to form growing nails. Since these cells are already dead, you will not feel any pain when you cut them off.

Through researchers, we found out one reason is that we use our hands more than our feet. And we expose our hands more, too. Some other people think that, the hands are closer to the heart then the feet. More blood are supplied to the hands than the feet. This could be true since our nails grow the fastest in summer as opposed to winter. In other words, the blood circulates the fastest in our bodies during summer.

Some experts conclude that, the speed of nail growth is related to the rate of blood circulation and metabolism. Therefore, nail growth will slow down with aging.

Whether you cut your nails or bite your nails, fingernails always grow faster than toenails. Unless, you type with your toes…




在我們理解為什麼手指甲長得比較快之前,我們首先要理解,指甲為什麼會生長。指甲是一種名為角蛋白的蛋白質。每片指甲都是從皮膚下的甲基(nail matrix)生長出來的。甲基不斷產生新的細胞,並把舊的細胞推擠出來,到指甲下方的那層皮膚(甲床,nail bed)上。這些細胞被推擠出來時,就已經死亡了,這就是為什麼剪指甲不會痛的原因。




Nail Polish can be your Houseware Renewal Helper!

My home was under renovation and the washing machine had not been run for two months. When I finally got to it, The outside of it had become quite rusty. Luckily, my remodeler taught me a trick.

All I had to do was to scrape away the rust and the bubbling paint down to the metal surface. Then I patched it up with a matching color nail polish. After going over with a few more layers, it looked quite close to the area around it. This might not be 100% perfect but it was definitely better than doing nothing . You can fix the services off any house appliances with this method.

For all the stylish ladies out there, not only you can look good, your home can too!

[家居扮靚靚] 電器生銹甩油 指甲油幫到你




[DIY at Home for Daughter] Go Glam DIY Nail Stamper

If your daughter is a beauty Queen who likes to try new things then this cool Go Glam Nail Stamper it’s definitely a perfect gift for her.

The pack comes with three varnishes and five stamp patterns.   It is simple to use.  First you apply one of the color nail varnishes.   Let dry for five minutes.  Insert her  choice of design into the stamper.  Slip her finger in and THEN press.   The Patton will immediately appear on her nail. And the best thing is, The design will only go on the part with the varnish. It will not mess up the rest of the finger.  Seal it up with the top varnish and there she has it!

Not only that this is the fun thing to do at home, if someday she has a party to go to, she can get her nails done quickly at home. The Go Lamp stamper is available at Toys “R” Us.

[孕婦小朋友都啱用] Ella + Mila BonBon系列指甲油

品牌Ella + Mila一向出產女性用品,有化妝品、指甲用品、身體護膚,而最近新出名為「BONBON」系列,新顏色選用baby及粉色系,加上它的Signature樽身象象圖案,真的是太可愛了!

而產品不含: 甲醛、甲苯、鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、甲醛樹脂、樟腦、磷酸三苯酯、二甲苯

  • 適合孕婦及小童用
  • 無動物實驗
  • 快乾
  • 持久
  • 美國製造
  • Ella+mila 指甲油受善待動物組織(PETA)認可!



Suspicious about Yellow? How to use this hitters colour on your Nail Polish?

Yellow is said to be the hitters nail color of this year.  Unfortunately, it is not exactly a favorite of many girls, even the boyfriends do not appreciate yellow nails either.  Therefore as a starter, I would recommend to try mustard. It is relatively warm and subdued and surely more acceptable.

You can be quite playful by using glossy and Matt shades to create a sense of texture. However, if you do not feel comfortable with ten gold fingers, try paint partially.  You can paint shapes, stick on shell stickers or glitter.  Another way is to choose two nails to brush on mustard shade and apply a contrasting shade on the rest. These will tone down the flashy feeling.

If you find this interesting, just book an appointment with your nail technician today.





[The New Impression of HELLO KITTY] OPI Hello Kitty Holiday Collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

OPI’s Holiday collection – Hello Kitty 2020, has arrived in Hong Kong.  The set of twelve LED Gelcolor collection includes the original dainty shades as well as some new cool color scheme.  Besides the symbolic red, pink, blue and purple, colorful glitter were also added to the collection. Who says hello kitty only gives you one feeling!

Let’s Be Friends!

Glitter to My Heart

A Hush of Blush

Let’s Celebrate!

All About the Bows

A Kiss on the Chìc

Pile on the Sprinkles

Hello Pretty

Let Love Sparkle

My Favorite Gal Pal

Many Celebrations to Go!

Isn’t She Iconic!