Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[簡約Nail Art] 小清新的氣息



Fungal Nails love Humid Weather

The spring-summer season of Hong kong is notoriously hot and humid.  If you got sweaty feet and usually wear tight shoes, fungus may easily find its way to your toes.  Nail fungus can be quite contagious. If you are not being careful enough, the fungus can spread to the other toes and even the finger nails.

Fungal nails should be taken care of in a serious manner.  A topical medicine can do the job.  The Callusan – Unguisan from Germany can effectively treat fungus and provide protection against them. It’s natural ingredients include urea, Iceland moss extract and blackcurrant    It does not contain The medicinal ingredient – Clotrimazol.  It is dermatologically tested suitable for diabetic users.  To get a better result, you can use it in conjunction with the US brand – Heidi’s Germ Wise.

Germ Wise can be sprayed directly on the skin to form a protective membrane against bacteria and viruses.  It’s antibacterial ingredients can decrease the risk of infection caused by airborne diseases.  Germ Wise can break down odors produced by fungus while keeping the feet fresh and free of bacteria.

How to use:

1.      first, spray Germ Wise on the fungal nail for cleaning and disinfection.

2.      apply one to two drops of Unguisan on the bottom of the nail.  Let dry.  Repeat the process for two weeks and the nail will obviously become clearer.

  Continue to use until the fungal nails has completely been improved.


-keep dropper tip clear of the fungal nail to avoid contamination which may lead to cross infection or re-infection .

-this is a highly concentrated product. Do not use more then twice in a day.

-If there is no improvement after three weeks of use, you need to go consult the doctor.



有灰甲的人士,請不要掉以輕心,其實一般使用外用藥物已經可以治療得到,這枝來自德國的足博士(Callusan) – Unguisan針對對抗真菌並提供全面保護,因採用純天然成份包括尿素,冰島海苔,黑加侖子萃取物,不含藥用的克霉唑(Clotrimazol),經皮膚科測試適合糖尿病患者使用。

如同一時間與美國品牌Heidi’s Germ Wise一併使用,痊癒效果會更加理想。
Germ Wise是可以直接噴上皮膚表面上形成一層保護膜,對於細菌、病毒和病菌能夠發揮殺菌作用,又能減少空氣中感染的風險。而Germ Wise能有效分解真菌所引起的異味,又可消毒又能保持清爽。


  1. 開始時使用Germ Wise噴於灰甲上作清潔及消毒
  2. 滴一至兩滴Unguisan於灰甲底部,待乾,重覆使用兩星期甲面會明顯變得清晰,直至灰甲有改善才停用。


-此產品屬於高濃度濃縮液,建議每天使用不多於兩次。 -如使用三星期未見好轉,建議去睇醫生進行其他療程。

脫皮是甚麼一回事(下) – 對手甩皮點算?

上回我們提到春冬交界之間很容易手會脫皮 (甩皮),今次我們會談一下處理方法。


  1. 洗手用溫水,保持肌膚乾淨,儘量少洗手,另外,洗手時要避免使用鹼性肥皂。
  2. 洗手後抹乾淨先再塗一些保濕潤膚露解決脫皮、乾裂問題,然後按摩2-3分鐘; 方法是:雙手交替按摩,用大拇指和食指拉住另一隻手的手指從內往外拉,再從指甲下緣揉到指甲縫隙,以上動作重複。這樣做的好處,既能加快手部的血液循環,還能更好的吸收,助於恢復。

吃甚麼對手脫皮有幫助? 多吃5種蔬果

  1. 胡蘿蔔素能夠幫助保持皮膚細胞組織的正常機理、撫平皮膚皺紋,維持皮膚滋潤細緻,防止手腳脫皮等作用。
  2. 西蘭花,含維他命A、維他命C和胡蘿蔔素,可以強化肌膚的抗損傷能力、幫助維持皮膚彈性。
  3. 士多啤梨的維他命C含量高,對人體的皮膚生長發育具有良好的促進作用。
  4. 黑芝麻中的維他命E可維護皮膚有滋潤皮膚的作用。
  5. 紅棗所含的維他命A有助於改進皮膚的水屏障特性。


  1. 適當補充維他命,吃含豐富維他命的食品。如紅蘿蔔、哈密瓜、蛋等含豐富維他命A的食物;
  2. 注意調節自己的飲食習慣,食物要清淡溫和,不要過於燥熱和冰凍、麻辣等等
  3. 多喝水,多吃一些水果蔬菜,生活儘量避免外界刺激物和局部刺激。


  1. 儘量減少接觸鹼性物質,如洗衣粉等,鹼性物質會造成脱皮或使脫皮加重。
  2. 避免冷熱刺激。手太熱時,不要馬上觸摸涼的東西,手太涼時不要拿太熱的物品。
  3. 儘量減少與水的接觸,不要長時間泡在水裡,會使脫皮更嚴重。
  4. 緊記護理雙手:


脫皮是甚麼一回事(上) – 點解對手會甩皮?

每年到春冬交替的時候手部就會出現脫皮,主要就是手掌、手指頭脫皮 (甩皮),不痛不癢,剛開始是出現白點,手指與物體摩擦也會越來越嚴重。有沒有好的建議?


手部脫皮一般是由於春季氣候乾燥又潮濕再加上出汗少,經常摩擦,皮膚失潤乾燥引起的。 但有中醫認為是由於血虛血燥或者是皮膚失養所引起的。除此之外還有化學損傷以及先天遺傳等因素。



  1. 氣溫乾燥導致脫皮;
  2. 汗皰疹也是引起手脫皮的原因之一,有汗皰疹的朋友,雙手一般會長紅色水皰,同時有劇烈瘙癢的感覺;
  3. 手癬,先是一隻手出現脫皮,進而擴散到雙手,雙腳,這種情況出現的脫皮是手癬導致的。手癬有很強的傳染性,建議及時治療防止感染給親人;



Can Cuticle Peeling be caused by lack of Vitamins?

Many people get peeling cuticles.  Some said it was caused by lack of vitamin B6 or C.  Could that be true?

According to dermatologist, the peeling and cracking of the cuticles has nothing to do with lacking of vitamins or minerals.  It actually is a sign off under hydration of the body.  This is especially true for those with eczema.  On the other hand, frequent handwashing, using detergent on bare hand and gel nail are major external accomplices. Since the process of making gel nail requires the removal of the surrounding cuticle, the protective seal has been broken.  This increase the chance of peeling cuticles, as well as infection by fungus and bacteria.

What to do with peeling cuticles

Many people simply tear it off. This worsen the problem since they end up with a bigger peeling area.  Sometimes it may even draw blood which increases the chance of infection and leave a scar behind.  In fact, even if you leave it alone, The skin will metabolize and the peeling will heal anyways.  If the peeling is really too unsightful, you can slightly clip it off with a nail clipper.  Be careful not to go overboard though.

Can cuticle peeling be prevented?

Skin lotions can do a good job to prevent the cuticle from drying out.   For better hydration, after apply a layer of moisturizing factor(humectant), cover over with a layer of occlusive such as vaseline.    This can retain moisture and keep the skin better hydrated.  As for the question why peeling usually appears on the site of the fingers, some doctors pointed out that people usually only moisturize their palms. Area around the finger nails are neglected.  That is why the two sides of the fingers are especially dry. Therefore, never miss The area around the nails when you apply handcream.

Hope you would say goodbye to cuticle peeling.

Read more

Nail Care and Hand Care Services

[簡易教學] 肺炎假期,想想辦法跟小朋友放電 – 小叉

小朋友一起在家畫簡單卡通人物手甲 Nail Art 系列,今天輪到分享反斗奇兵的小叉 Step by Step 步驟和示範圖了!




1. 阿叉的樣子是一個叉樣,在指甲中間開始,畫一個正方形作頭部(兩層白色比較均勻)

2. 用牙籤取小小白色甲油,在頭頂位畫上一個一個三角形

3. 拎牙籤另一端取黑色甲油點兩個圓點作眼睛,記隻要一大一細才相似

4. 拎另一枝牙籤取紅甲油在眼上打橫畫彎彎的”一”,

5. 拎牙籤另一端取藍色甲油畫圓形,完成!


[簡易教學] 肺炎假期,想想辦法跟小朋友放電 – 雪寶BB

[教學] 肺炎假期,想想辦法跟小朋友放電  - 雪寶BB

上次介紹過跟小朋友一起在家畫簡單卡通人物手甲 Nail Art 的方法,大家反應熱烈,就再分享一下 Step by Step 的步驟和示範圖,今天首先出場的是雪寶BB。





[教學] 肺炎假期,想想辦法跟小朋友放電 - 1 / 4

1. 首先在指甲中間開始,畫一個半圓作頭部(兩層白色比較均勻)

[教學] 肺炎假期,想想辦法跟小朋友放電 - 2 / 4

2. 用牙籤取小小黑色甲油,畫一個小半圓作咀巴,拎牙籤另一端取白色甲油在咀上畫牙齒

[教學] 肺炎假期,想想辦法跟小朋友放電 - 3 / 4

3. 抹乾牙籤上多餘的黑色甲油,再取黑色甲油點兩個圓點作眼睛

[教學] 肺炎假期,想想辦法跟小朋友放電 - 4 / 4

4. 完成!

[每月優惠] 2020年五至六月迎新優惠 $460普通修手及修腳服務

COVID-19令到每人都憂心忡忡,在疫情之中多次的洗手和酒精消毒令雙手又乾 (容易擦傷) 又多硬皮 (更難徹底清潔),Rainbow Nails 今次就推出以$460的優惠價可以做一個完整的修手及修腳服務;給你磨掉指甲周邊的硬皮及指甲短短,保持手及腳乾淨衛生又整齊。


*只接受現金和易辦事 *需要先預約

[Promotion] Enjoy Special Offer for Mani + Pedi at $460 (May/June 2020)

Hand hygiene is the key to fight COVID-19. However, repeated washing with alcohol-base hand gel may lead to dry, hard and flaky skin. This will make your hands harder to be thoroughly cleaned. Come to Rainbow Nails!

You can enjoy a regular Manicure & Pedicure service at $460 in our special May/June offer! Get your hands and feet exfoliated and nails trimmed. Make them look and feel immaculately clean!

Original Price: $580

*EPS & Cash Only

*By phone or Whatsapp reservation