Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

兒童指彩 Nail Party・享受無害美甲的樂趣

🎉🌈 大小時尚達人們,聽著喔!🌈🎉
🎈 快來參加我們的魔幻兒童美甲派對!🎈

你的孩子準備好閃耀奪目了嗎?我們有個特別的驚喜等著他們!🌟✨ 快把你的小寶貝們聚集起來,參加 #小朋友美甲派對 ,讓他們的創意飛翔吧!

🌈 我們專業的美甲師將為他們打造令人驚艷的美甲設計,讓他們感覺像是公主和超級英雄!從可愛的動物圖案到豐富多彩的圖案,各種風格應有盡有。

🎨 #RainbowNails 專為 #兒童 #派對 而設的 #上門 Child Nail Art Party,使用貼紙式的 Peeloff Gel ,#無氣味 亦 #無有害物質,只需暖水浸甲便能缷除,無需使用缷甲水,讓小朋友無論在 #生日派對 , 還是 #朋友聚會 都 #玩得放心 !

💖 別錯過這個為你的孩子帶來歡樂和魅力的機會!發送訊息來預約吧。

🌟 讓我們在兒童美甲派對上讓他們的指甲閃耀,笑容燦爛!期待與你相見!✨💅


Whatsapp 預約: 9093 2622
💛地址:8/F, Thyrse House, 16 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環砵甸乍街16號太富商業大廈8樓
📞 2840 0660

[Shimmer . Mystery] OPI 2023 Autumn Big Zodiac Energy Collection

We are familiar with the 12 zodiac signs, which can be divided into four quadrants or four elements (the four zodiac elements): fire, air, earth, and water.
Each quadrant has its own characteristics, and each zodiac sign has unique traits and charm.

This season, OPI has created the captivating Big Zodiac Energy Collection of nail polish colors based on the traits of each zodiac element. It allows you to shimmer and shine brilliantly. Depending on your zodiac sign (sun + moon + rising sign), you can choose the nail polish color that suits you best.
Whether it’s shimmer, pearl finish, glitter, or holographic effects, you can showcase various elements of your zodiac through your nails and radiate confidence.

Earth Signs – Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
These zodiac nail polish shades are as earth-shattering as hue: #Virgoals has a bronze pearl finish that nails perfection, Taurus-t Me is the MOST loyal mint green shimmer, while Feelin’ Capricorn-y has a shimmery sage green effect that brings the wit.

Air Signs – Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra
Intellectual, spontaneous, and highly curious, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra air on the side of shimmer: Feelin’ Libra-ted is a beyond balanced shimmery violet, Gemini and I is a multifaceted soft white shimmer, and Aquarius Renegade ditches the status quo in a pearlescent navy blue.

Water Signs – Scorpios, Cancers, and Pisces
Calling all water signs for being the deeeep, emotional, and sometimes psychic signs of the zodiac: Scorpio Seduction is a mysterious AF cobalt pearl, I Cancer-tainly Shine is a holographic silver full of intuition, and Pisces the Future is a totally psychic light blue pearl.

Fire Signs – Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Passionate, courageous, and impulsive, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, these zodiac nail color shades are for you: Kiss My Aries is a fiery red shimmer that like you, doesn’t hold back, The Leo-nly One is a bold gold pearl that’ll put even more eyes on you, and Big Sagittarius Energy is a burgundy pearl that’s pure fire.

Nail colors for all 12 zodiac signs are available in Nail Lacquer, Infinite Shine, and GelColor, with 6 shades in Powder Perfection.

[閃耀.神秘] OPI 2023 秋季 Big Zodiac Energy collection 星座系列

我們熟知的十二星座,可依照火象、風象、土象、水象分成四種象限或四大元素(the four zodiac elements),各個象限皆有其特色,每個星座也有獨特的特質與魅力,OPI 今季就根據各個星座象限的特質,推出了這個迷人的 Big Zodiac Energy Collection 星座指甲油色彩,讓您閃耀出眾。


土象星座 – 金牛座、處女座和摩羯座
這些星座指甲油色彩像大地一樣令人震撼:#Virgoals有一種青銅珍珠光澤效果,完美無瑕,Taurus-t Me是最忠誠的薄荷綠光澤色,而Feelin’ Capricorn-y則具有閃亮的鼠尾草綠效果,展現智慧之美。

風象星座 – 雙子座、水瓶座和天秤座
聰明、自發和極具好奇心的雙子座、水瓶座和天秤座,偏向於閃耀:Feelin’ Libra-ted是一種超平衡的紫羅蘭色閃耀,Gemini and I是一種多面立體的淺白色閃耀,而Aquarius Renegade則放棄常規,呈現出一種珍珠般的深藍色。

水象星座 – 天蠍座、巨蟹座和雙魚座
呼喚所有水象星座,作為深沉、情感豐富,有時具有心靈感應的星座:Scorpio Seduction是一種神秘的深藍色珍珠光澤,I Cancer-tainly Shine是一種具有直覺力的全息銀色,而Pisces the Future則是一種完全心靈感應的淺藍色珍珠光澤。

火象星座 – 白羊座、獅子座和射手座
為充滿激情、勇敢和衝動的白羊座、獅子座和射手座而設:Kiss My Aries是一種火紅色閃耀,像你一樣,毫不保留;The Leo-nly One是一種大膽的金色珍珠光澤,將更多目光聚焦在你身上;而Big Sagittarius Energy是一種酒紅色珍珠光澤,純粹火焰。

所有12個星座顏色的 Nail Polish 指甲油、Infinite Shine 和 GelColor 都已推出,而 Powder Perfection 則有6種色調可供選擇。

FRESH CRÈME – Minimalist Nail Art, Subtle, Luxurious, Elegant!

Just like seasonal fashion trends, nail art styles also vary in popularity. Have you caught up with the trend of “Fresh Cream Nails” in gel nails?

By changing colors with the transition of different seasons, you can express your mood and bring a different charm to your life. For girls who prefer elegant nail art styles, a touch of subtle and graceful fresh cream is sure to be popular this summer!

What is Fresh Crème Nail Art?
Using off-white as the base color and combining it with cream and yellow, it evokes thoughts of cakes and pastries. That’s why it’s called fresh cream nail art, which exudes a subtle sense of healing. To achieve a perfect appearance, it is important to buff and polish the nails as a preparatory step. Then, choose nail polishes in off-white and cream shades that won’t appear too pink or too yellow when applied to the actual nails. Fresh Crème nail art actually makes the skin on your hands appear fairer. This simple yet sophisticated nail art style is perfect for everyday wear, creating a clean and elegant atmosphere. It is especially suitable for those who don’t often wear nail polish.

人工智能美甲師 會生成怎樣的美甲作品?

AI 人工智能這個話題熱爆全球,透過輸入指令,用ChatGPT以及Midjourney就可以生成一些令人驚喜的虛幻內容和相片。AI 的創作突破了人類創作的規限,將許多虛幻的東西展示在眼前。就如今次介紹的日本設計師 IG@ymymnail.ai ,她雖然不是美甲師,但卻靠着 AI 生成了許多生動活潑可愛的美甲作品,她更在社交媒體上大方分享,大家不妨來欣賞下充滿創意的藝術品!

IG@ymymanil.ai 網址

Nail Gel for $5.50 each from Japan Online Shop

Daiso nail gel has gone viral among the $12 watcher groups. Shoppers are searching every corners throughout the entire Hong Kong. Actually, life can be easier. Just visit the Japan Daiso online shop and you will find the entire line of nail gels. Each piece only costs 100yen, which comes up to only HKD$5.50. Better yet, they have Traditional Chinese and English interface and accept international credit cards such as VISA, Mastercard and AE.

There are about forty hot-sale shades. You will discover many nail items not available in Hong Kong. It is definitely worth a visit for DIY enthusiasts.

However, there is a catch. The online shop only deliver to places within Japan. Therefore, before filling in your info, you need to have a Japan address ready first. You may want to register your Japan address in a Japanese consolidator such as, BuyAndShip, ShipDo, EaddadeForward, etc. The shipping cost can be as low as $7/kg. It is not bad to get bulk items in this way, really!

Parent-Child Nail Party – Enjoy Safe and Fun Nail Art Together

Spending time with your children while doing nail art is a precious and priceless experience that strengthens the bond between big and small hands. At a party where kids can do nail art with their moms, the cozy atmosphere and warmth can create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime! Rainbow Nails offers an on-site Parent-Child Nail Art Party designed specifically for moms and kids. We use peel-off gel stickers that are odorless and free of harmful substances. You can easily remove them with warm water, without the need for nail polish remover. So whether it’s a birthday party or a get-together with friends, moms and kids can have worry-free fun!

Whatsapp to Make Appointment: 9093 2622

💚 Service Hour: 11am-7pm

💛 Address:8/F, Thyrse House, 16 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong

📞 2840 0660

親子指彩 Nail Party ・ 一起享受無害美甲的樂趣

大手和小手一起維繫親子感情的時光,珍貴難忘而無價。一班小朋友能夠在派對中跟媽媽們一起美甲,那份溫馨氛圍感,更是可以伴隨妳的孩子一起長大的美滿回憶! Rainbow Nails 專為媽媽和小朋友親子派對而設的上門 Parent-Child Nail Art Party,使用貼紙式的 Peeloff Gel ,無氣味亦無有害物質,只需暖水浸甲便能缷除,無需使用缷甲水,讓媽媽和小朋友無論在生日派對,還是朋友聚會都玩得放心!

Whatsapp 預約: 9093 2622


💛地址:8/F, Thyrse House, 16 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環砵甸乍街16號太富商業大廈8樓

📞 2840 0660

[令肌膚更白的Gel Nail] Fresh Crème 極簡美甲,低調得很高級!

美甲造型如同每季潮流一樣,所流行的風格都不盡相同,而近期你們 Gel甲有跟上「鮮奶油美甲」趨勢嗎?


什麼是 Fresh Crème 美甲?

以乳白色作為基底,奶油色與黃色搭配,讓人聯想起蛋糕與糕點,因此被稱為鮮奶油美甲,低調的展現出一抹療癒感。為了成功地打造出完美的外觀,需要先磨甲、拋光,做好前置作業,接下來選擇乳白色、奶油色的指甲油,塗在實際指甲上時不會顯得太粉紅或太黃,Fresh Créme 美甲也會反而讓手的肌膚顯得白皙,簡單卻又顯得高級的美甲造型,對於日常穿搭來說相當好搭配,展現出俐落典雅的氛圍,特別適合平常不常塗指甲油的你。

[Starry Sky Nail Art] Stars Twinkle and Shine Through the Dark Night

Following last year’s popular trend of space-themed nail art, this year a new gel nail art inspired by natural phenomena has become popular. The theme is the starry sky: a combination of the moon and stars! The moon gives a feeling of romantic nights and the twinkling stars bring hope.

This gel nail uses a creamy white or light pink as the base color. For a more edgy look, you can add black, and for a more feminine touch, gold or white can be added. The nails look slender and white, which is why it has become popular among European, American, and Korean women.