Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

酒紅香檳金閃閃發亮! OPI 2013 假日瑪麗嘉兒秋冬甲油系列

今次的Mariah Carey秋冬系列由6種不同程度的紅和6種不同玩味的金來組成,瞥眼看來就像6支紅酒和6支香檳一樣。這系列一定可以令你的指頭在秋冬的大小派對中閃閃發亮,不能錯過!

Red Carnival – OPI Couture de Minnie Collection

It’s a set about Minnie, so red must be the theme! There are uncountable kinds of red colours, whilst this collection picked 5 out of the pantone.

支持關注乳癌!OPI Pink of Hearts 2013 愛心粉紅指甲油

OPI今年再度推出愛心粉紅指甲油 (Pink of Hearts 2013)。每套指甲油均以特別的粉紅絲帶包裝,這次還有粉紅絲帶指甲貼和水晶指甲貼附送,想不到除了扮靚,也可喚起對乳癌的關注。

不覊的風由三藩巿吹到波希米亞: OPI San Francisco LED Gelcolor Collection – The Bohemians


買OPI iPhone Case送指甲油! OPI My Case Couture 系列

OPI真係無微不至,繼沙灘大毛巾和背包後,購買OPI IPHONE CASE附送指甲油一支,靚靚手甲襯限量保護殼!

Pink Bikini at Water Park! CND Shellac Soak Off gel 2013 Summer Collection

CND has summarized summer in 4 colors and launched the latest gel colors: Girl wearing a pink bikini at the water park…chewing grape gum after the lobster roll…

三藩巿系列的Gelcolor: The Bohemians by OPI 即將推出!


耀眼之炎夏! CND Shellac 2013 Summer Collection


OPI Bond Girls Collection – with Liquid Sand Finish

All 6 pieces in OPI Liquid Sand finishing, easy to apply, perfect for summer. One colour each representing one of the classic bond girls!

Foggy Pearlish – OPI San Francisco Collection

The shininess, multiple pearl-ish variation seems covered with a layer of fog yet to be discovered with close observation. Gives a very low profile feeling of the 12 colors in whole collection.