Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

嬰兒法式指甲 – 精緻優美超越傳統的法式美甲

喜歡乾淨優雅的傳統法式美甲嗎?不妨試試2024年流行的嬰兒法式美甲 Baby French Manicure,它呈現更微妙且現代的美感。

[Nail Art] World-famous Paintings on Nails

Nail artist can paint on even the smallest nail surfaces! She combined world-famous paintings with nail art, creating exquisite artworks on the tiny canvas of nails, leaving people in awe.

世界名畫搬上指甲 美甲師「再小甲面都能畫」


[Treatment for Nail Biting] 5 Steps to Achieve Healthy and Beautiful Nails

Are you tired of the unsightly habit of nail biting? Rainbow Nails can help you overcome the troubles of nail biting, bid farewell to bitten and damaged nails, and embrace a healthier and more confident version of yourself, both for men and ladies!

[治療咬指甲] 5步迎接健康美麗的指甲

厭倦了咬甲這個不雅的習慣嗎?Rainbow Nails 幫助您擺脫咬甲的困擾,告別咬傷和損壞的指甲,無論男士和女士都可以迎接更健康、更自信的自己!

Rainbow Nails 初六啟巿 (Reopen on Feb 15)

Rainbow Nails 將於2月9日至2月14日農曆新年期間休巿,並將於2月15日年初六啟巿。
Rainbow Nails will close for the Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations from 9th Feb to 14th Feb. We will reopen on 15th Feb.

Nail Art for a Prosperous 2024 Year of the Dragon, for Gentlemen and Ladies

Embrace new energy of Year of Dragon and bring a fresh look to your fingertips before the Lunar New Year. These dragon-themed nail designs will surely become highlight of your Lunar New Year gatherings.

[男士女士皆宜] 2024龍年新春開運美甲推介


2024 Nail Art Trends (Part 3)

Have you seen Episode 1 and Episode 2 of the Nail Art Trend for 2024? Today, we bring you the final part of this gel nail trend series!

2024年 Nail Art 美甲趨勢 (三)

2024年 Nail Art 美甲趨勢 第1集 和 第2集 大家看過沒有?今天為大家帶來這個 Gel甲潮流系列的最後一篇!