Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

銅絲線甲藝 Nail Art 前衛時尚又型格

玻璃指甲在美甲掀起一片熱潮後,最近流行一款「銅絲線」甲藝 Nail Art,給人一種感覺前衛又型格。

Nail Trend at a Glance – Evolving off nail style throughout the recent decades

The trendy ladies have been changing lots in this hundred year. The look of their nails in shapes and in shades. Here let us discuss about the evolving off nail style throughout the recent decades.

[Nail Art 教學] Swarovski Crystal Pixie 水晶砂指甲油美甲彩繪教學篇

看了兩套用 Swarovski Crystal Pixie 水晶砂而做的 NAIL ART 後,是不是都有一股衝動想試下呢?等我來一個很簡單的教學,比塗甲油更容易、更快捷。

[Nail Art Classroom] Swarovski Crystal Pixie Nail Design

We have shown you some gorgeous nail art designs with Swarovski Crystal Pixie in the previous two lessons. This time, we are going to teach you step by step a no-none sense way of application that is simple but stunning.

2016 Hottest and coolest in nail art trends (2 of 3)

Here come another three hot and cool ideas to dress up your nails.

[Nail Art in Grey] SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL PIXIE – Rock Shock

Rock Shock, the Swarovski Crystal Pixie Collection, contains a grey base color, and tiny unfaceted star shaped crystals which is brilliant for nail art.

[Light Hormanic] SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL PIXIE – Cute Mood

The third set of SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL PIXIE is called Cute […]

Crystal pixie d.rush – the stunning SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL PIXIE nail art color

This color from Swarovski Crystal Pixie is particularly suitable in complementing dark outfits. The color comprises golden and black crystals.

相都印倒上指甲? Art Nail Pro 手甲專用3D圖案彩繪機
