Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[北歐風情] OPI 2014秋季北方系列 Nordic Collection 指甲油

不經不覺,又到了深色出場的時侯,OPI 推出2014秋季 NORDIC COLLECTION。雖則說秋天系列,但選色方面比較創新,寶石綠、嬌艷粉、寶藍偏紫,較SPECIAL!誰說天氣冷就要黑黑沉沉?配上這些顏色更顯型格。

OPI Nordic Collection 2014 Autumn Nail Lacquer

While conceptualizing the shades of the Nordic Collection, the designer gazed in wonder at the region’s topography – from the northern lights and midnight sun to lava flats and deep fjords…

[香車美人] OPI 福特 Mustang 跑車系列 Ford Mustang Collection 指甲油

顧名思義是與福特汽車的crossover吧!名車總是與美人連在一起;而 OPI,與美不能分割的一個大品牌,今次都為慶祝 Mustang 型號跑車50週年,添上些色彩!系列共有6個顏色,你又有否見過噴上這些顏色的 Mustang 跑車呢?

OPI Ford Mustang Collection Nail Lacquer

A collaboration of OPI with Ford for celebrating the 50th anniversary of the classic Ford Mustang. Have you ever see automobiles in these 6 colors of shades too?

OPI Take Ten Mini Polish 2013 年度精選迷你甲油系列

繼 2012 年尾的 TOP TEN 後 OPI 再推出了迷你甲油 (Mini Polish) 精選套裝 TAKE TEN ,除了換上新裝了,還換了幾位新成員。

Buy OPI iPhone case to get Free Nail Lacquer with same color tone

Want to match your iPhone case color with your nails? Get the same colors tone of OPI Nail Lacquer as a free gift upon purchase of the OPI iPhone case. They are limited editions!

CND Shellac Soak-off Gel 2013 Autumn Collection – The Forbidden Collection

A collection that will intoxicate you in the Autumn melancholy! With autumn already upon us, 6 colours have arrived in Hong Kong this week.

醉心之神秘感! CND Shellac 全新 2013 陶醉的秋天系列 Forbidden Collection

CND SHELLAC Soak off gel 全新 2013 秋季系列 Forbidden Collection 已登陸香港了,一套六支,分別帶有神秘感的DARK DAHLIA和NIGHT GLIMMER,還有使人心醉的TINTED LOVE。濃烈的色彩跟「秋」十分配合,感覺神秘又浪漫。

不覊的風由三藩巿吹到波希米亞: OPI San Francisco LED Gelcolor Collection – The Bohemians


濃霧下的珍珠幻彩! OPI 2013秋季三藩巿系列甲油 San Francisco Collection
