Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Yummy Yummy Sushi Nail-art

We all know people are not supposed to dine out during the pendemic. But if you suddenly got a sushi crave, the gurus have worked out some beautiful 3-D sashimi nail arts. Look!

How to do DIY Gel Nail at home?

It gets quite dreadful that the nail salons are closed when you really needed a manicure. You can learn to handle it yourself, you know? By just getting the right tools, you can work like a proal in no time! Or at least a simple one…

在家 DIY GEL甲如何做?

最近美甲店只能不定期營業,不如大家一起來學做自己的美甲師在家美甲吧!在家 DIY GEL甲應從何開始呢?

Special Notice for COVID-19 Arrangement (Jan 7 to 20, 2022)

According to Government Announcement, all Nail Salons in Hong Kong must be Closed for 2 weeks started from January 7 to 20, 2022 due to Coronavirus Outbreak. All services and appointment of Rainbow Nails will be re-arranged. Details will be announced later. Stay safe and healthy, we are looking forward to seeing you soon.

店鋪營業特別安排 (2022年1月7-20日)

為配合香港政府最新公告,Rainbow Nails 由2022年1月7日至20日暫停提供專業美甲服務。Rainbow Nails 正聯絡受影響的客人並重新安排有關項目的預約。