Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Simple Nail Art Classroom 1] Round Stickers

In the upcoming posts, we are going to show you some easy and effortless DIY nail art.  First, let us play around with round stickers here.

Magnetic Stick for Starry Sky Nail Art

Take a look at the mystical starry sky nail art. If you want to make one for yourself, here is how.



[夏日美甲教學] 夏天就是火烈鳥!



大家好,黎緊會有幾篇介紹一下簡單又易做的 DIY Nail Art 美甲教學。第一篇我們會使用圓形貼片,除了可弄成波點的美甲圖案外,還可以發揮你們的小創意,做成不同的圖案。

French Tips Designs other than White

The classic French manicure has been characterized by its pale pink base and the white smilie line.  In recent years, people like to modernize their French tips with special designs.  Here are a few ideas to give your tips some twist.

Turn your Old Eyeshadows into New Nail Polishes

What can you do with unused make up? We have got a money saving idea for you. You can create your own unique DIY nail polish with eyeshadows. The process is very simple. You will only need clear polish, eyeshadow, tooth pick and aluminum foil. Here is how.



法式指甲 不是只有白色甲邊

法式指甲又名”french”,最初代表著純白色甲邊配襯淺粉紅底,是大部分女生都喜愛甲款。隨著時間、社會的改變,現時的French 已經不只是白色邊了。

[美甲12星座6/6] 樂觀的射手座 x 耐心的魔羯座

十二星座甲終於來到了最後一篇,由水瓶座開始到最後這兩個星座了──射手座 (人馬座) 及魔羯座 (山羊座)。