Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Promotion] Hands/Feet Treatment for Half Price (July & August 2017)

Many people skip moisturizer during summertime. With so much sunshine, it is quite common to have dehydrated skin on hands and feet which got exposed to the scorching environment all the time. 

Dip-powder Nail Lacquer

The experts in nail business are always working on ease of application of products as well as the results, a new trend recently that take over the industry is the dip-powder.

韓國 Dr Wonder Nail Paraffin Hot Spa – 在家都可以做手部蜜蠟

大部分人經常洗手又不常塗乳霜,令到手指甲邊的皮膚變得乾燥,常常想做保養但又沒有時間,有空的時候又不一定可約到美甲店做護理,韓國品牌 Dr wonder 新出物可能幫到你!

Floavored Nail Polish by The Italian Sparkling Wine – Prosecco

If you were once curious about the KFC edible nail polish, this new Pressecco flavored nail polish will leave you in open mouth.

[期間限定] 意大利 Prosecco 香檳指甲油

繼出現炸雞味指甲油後,意大利香檳品牌 Prosecco 也摻一腳,最近研發出一枝指甲油,既能散發出其品牌的香檳味,放進口裡也能感到香檳的味道!

Early Summer Gel Nail Discount (May / June 2017)

From now until the end of June, Rainbow nails is offering special price on soak-off gel / gel nail services. Purchase of two visits or more may receive a discount up to 20% off from the original price.

Mother’s Day Manicure Promotion

From 1st May to 17th May, Rainbow Nails is bringing 24% off on selected items and services. Come in with mothers or friends will get an extra 5% off!

TheGofun by Ueba Esou Nail Polish in Hong Kong Vending Machine

Buying TheGofun by Ueba Esou nail polish from Kyoto just gets a little less hassle and more interesting in Hong Kong.

[Refinement of the islands] OPI Fiji Collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

The new OPI LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel collection contains twelfth exotic Fiji shades. Take your nails to a dream vacation with these refined selections from the picturesque South Pacific islands.

[2017 Spring Collection] CND Shellac New Wave and Playland Collection Soak-off Gel

CND Shellac is cruising in with two new soak-off gel collections that sure will please the naughty ones and the Progressive ones, but never leave out the modest ones. These are New Wave collection and Playland collection.