Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

“VERY GOOD NAIL” Soak-off Gel from Korea

I am sure those who are ahead of the trend are familiar off the Korean brand-Very Good Nail. The Color schemes are very captivating. Today we are going to focus on the “Luna” Collection.

[Gel甲界新竉] 韓國 Very Good Nail

有留意美甲的人,對於”Very Good Nail”的韓國品牌不陌生吧!我想原因除了外型夠晒少女味之外,所推出的顏色更迷倒一眾女士,有近貼潮流的超強貓眼系列,又有半透的果凍系列,今日想推介是”Luna”系列。

[Get Gel Anywhere] LED Gel Nail Flash Light

It looks like a flashlight. When you open the cap, there is a transparent gel tip with blue light. What is this, really?

[隨身Gel甲] Gel甲用LED照燈小電筒


Is “Fingernail Ring” your thing?

Nail market is filled with prolific ideas. For example, nail piercing. A hole is being made on the nail and you can hang a dangling ring on it as if it is an earring…

「甲環」是你喜歡的 Nail Art 嗎?

每個女生都愛美麗,由頭靚到落腳,除了做Facial之外,Gel甲都是很多人每月必做item之一。美甲款式層出不窮,其中一款名為“ Nail Piercing”的款式,在指甲上釘窿,掛上各種吊飾,像帶耳環一樣,為指甲配上「甲環」。

7 Embarrassing Moments of Nail Art Addicts

For those who love nail art, I am sure you can relate yourself to one of the following seven annoying habits. Let us see how many you can identify with.

[Japanese Nail Art] Ease your Heart of Longing

At this time you still don’t know when you can fly to Japan. Do some Japanese nail art to comfort your earning now?

[和風系 Nail Art] 想念日本? 畫個櫻花甲一解思鄉愁

兩年沒有到過日本旅行,好想快點有機會「返家鄉」吧? 不如今天就整一個和風指甲!

[Go Green] 綠色指甲油都可以飛甩老土
