[缷甲大忌] 這個缷下 Gel 甲的大忌,你有沒有試過?
- on 03.29.21
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LED Soak Off Gel甲不用特別打理又可以維持至少兩星期的時間,深受不少女生歡迎,但卸下Gel甲時有一個大忌…
Rainbow Nails' Blog |
An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong |
LED Soak Off Gel甲不用特別打理又可以維持至少兩星期的時間,深受不少女生歡迎,但卸下Gel甲時有一個大忌…
In these days, you should not leave home without a mask if you want to protect yourself from COVID-19. But the masks are not just for your face. Some nail artist got the idea to put them on the nails.
又到聖誕~ 疫情下雖然大家未必有太多約會,但聖誕前女士們亦可以幫指甲做些聖誕款式 Nail Art,增加多點聖誕感覺!
This Christmas you may have to lock yourself at home. But that should not stop you from dressing up. After all, you might get a surprise visit from the Internet! So let me give you a surprise idea on Christmas nail art. Let us ditch the tacky red and green colors.
踩入十月份,又到一年一度 #萬聖節 喇!指甲當然都要畫上充滿節日氣氛的公仔迎合節日,小編準備幾款加入萬聖節元素的指甲彩繪比大家參考。
為配合政府最新的防疫措施,Rainbow Nails 由2020年7月15日至2020年7月21日需暫時關閉,稍後將會逐一聯絡受影響的客人,請耐心等候。在暫停營業期間我將定時進行店內徹底消毒,務求為大家提供一個舒適潔淨的環境。
Yellow is said to be the hitters nail color of this year. Unfortunately, it is not exactly a favorite of many girls, even the boyfriends do not appreciate yellow nails either. Therefore as a starter, I would recommend to try mustard…