[兒童家中美甲DIY] Go Glam 指甲彩繪機
- on 04.11.20
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最近小朋友日日宅在家,爸爸媽媽有無諗倒新玩意比佢地呢?小編今次介紹嘅指甲彩繪機 Go Glam Nail Stamper ,絕對會係貪靚小朋友嘅愛物呀。
Rainbow Nails' Blog |
An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong |
最近小朋友日日宅在家,爸爸媽媽有無諗倒新玩意比佢地呢?小編今次介紹嘅指甲彩繪機 Go Glam Nail Stamper ,絕對會係貪靚小朋友嘅愛物呀。
In many parts of Asia, one month after the Valentine’s Day is celebrated as the White Day. March 14 is approaching, You need a perfect look that day and do not miss out your nails either!
The god of pig will finish his term soon. The next CNY, year of Rat, will arrive quite early. It is time to decide on a CNY nail art and make an early schedule to the nail salon.
豬年仲有一星期就完,大家有冇留意今年既大年初一亦都比往年早左呢? 各位姊妹記得選好甲款,預早少少約時間幫指甲換新裝 ,迎接過年呀!
If you want to dazzle in Count down parties, we have got some nail design for you to Check out! You might find something you like!
聖誕節又到喇~ 大家諗好要幫指甲做邊款設計未呢?小編就做左幾款聖誕系列既 Nail Art 美甲彩繪設計比大家參考攞下靈感~~