Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[又一新手恩物!] Gelato Factory 美甲貼

有時候,為了手甲靚靚又趕不到去美甲店,就在藥妝店買那些一塊塊假甲片用超能膠貼上,其實感覺又假又傷甲。今次介紹的 Gelato Factory 美甲貼就幫到妳了!

Gelato Nail Sticker: Another Great Help for Nail Art Novice

Sometimes, it is too hard to squeeze up any time for A trip to the salon. The nail sticker from Gelato Factory of Korea can help you.

Let the Nails Go Wacky with LEGO!

The cool always half away to get even cooler. Some foreigners would wear Lego gel nail in order to to be different. It is about time the nail art lovers of Hong Kong try this funky idea too.

貼石神器 – 甩石都可以輕鬆自己fix

相信唔少女生幫指甲扮靚靚嘅時間,都會選擇貼閃石嚟點綴一下,但始終閃石係3D 嘅 nail art,所以比較難喺指甲上last得耐,不過最近韓國即將推出一款新產品,正正係喜愛貼閃石女生嘅恩物!

[Nail Art for New Year] Shades of Red

New Year marks the time for changing season. We are going to talk about three different warm nail ideas.


OPI “The Nutcracker” collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel is using various vibrant shades to represent the different scenes and special experiences in the movie.

[腳趾Nail Art]「趾」出美麗

平時腳趾的顏色通常都選擇單色,如果喺穿上露趾鞋嘅時候,可以踢走沉悶既框框好喇!原來腳趾都可以做 Nail Art?

[14th Anniversary] Discounts in all our Nail Services!

We are celebrating our 14 years of nail beauty service during our Anniversary month in October. Rainbow Nails is offering discounts in all our nail services along with a small customer appreciation gift.

[14週年感謝月] 惠顧指甲服務享折扣優惠

十四年了!十月是 Rainbow Nails 的週年紀念月,凡惠顧指甲服務,都會享有折扣優惠,而且我們還會送上小禮物,小小心意答謝大家支持。

[Nail Art] What is Trending?


In the recent New York Fashion Week, the major designers incorporated neon leopard Nails to match with the models’ bold and gorgeous outfits.