Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Manicure Color for your Zodiac Signs (4/6)] – Exceptional Leo and Exquisite Virgo

Each astrological sign is represented by their own colour and may bring luck to that person. What is the lucky color of manicure for Leo and Virgo

法式指甲 不是只有白色甲邊

法式指甲又名”french”,最初代表著純白色甲邊配襯淺粉紅底,是大部分女生都喜愛甲款。隨著時間、社會的改變,現時的French 已經不只是白色邊了。

[Manicure Color for your Zodiac Signs (3/6)] – Restless Gemini and Peace-Loving Cancer

Each astrological sign is represented by their own colour and may bring luck to that person. What is the lucky color of manicure for Gemini and Cancer

[Manicure Color for your Zodiac Signs (2/6)] – Passionate Aries and Stoic Taurus

Each astrological sign is represented by their own colour and may bring luck to that person. What is the lucky color of manicure for Aries and Taurus

[Manicure Color for your Zodiac Signs (1/6)] – Mysterious Aquarius and Romantic Pisces

Each astrological sign is represented by their own colour and may bring luck to that person. What is the lucky color of manicure for Aquarius and Pisces? 

[美甲12星座6/6] 樂觀的射手座 x 耐心的魔羯座

十二星座甲終於來到了最後一篇,由水瓶座開始到最後這兩個星座了──射手座 (人馬座) 及魔羯座 (山羊座)。

[美甲12星座5/6] 優雅的天秤座 x 高深的天蠍座

今次來到美甲12星座的第五篇,秋季的星座,又適合使用甚麼顏色做 Nail Art 呢?

Nails for the Artful & Cultural Youth

Feel boring on conventional single shade or similar nail art on all the nails?

[美甲12星座4/6] 出眾的獅子座 x 講究的處女座

計埋今次獅子座及處女座,話咁快已介紹了一半以上的星座甲Nail Art,獅子及處女又有什麼幸運顏色呢?

[美甲12星座3/6] 好動的雙子座 x 和平的巨蟹座

小編又講星座甲啦,之前已經介紹左四個星座Nail Art了,今次輪到雙子及巨蟹座。