Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

銅絲線甲藝 Nail Art 前衛時尚又型格

玻璃指甲在美甲掀起一片熱潮後,最近流行一款「銅絲線」甲藝 Nail Art,給人一種感覺前衛又型格。

[Nail Art Classroom] Beat the Heat with Refreshing Nail Colors!

Give yourself a refreshing look with these cool and eye-catching nail colors through this hot and sticky summer!

[Tutorial] Nail art using CND Shellac Soak-off Gel

We are showing you techniques of geometrical nail art with two existing shades from CND Shellac soak-off gel: CND Cake Pop and CND Black Pool.

[Nail Art Classroom] OPI Fiji Collection – Pastels

Previously we have shown you nail art with the OPI Fiji line blues. Now, let us get on with the pastel shades.

Digital Nail Printing Machine from Japan

This new nail printing machine from TSUME.CO can print five nails all at once. The preset designs are hand-painted by professional nail artists using their skills of great precision!

[Nail Art 教學] 用 CND Shellac 製作美甲彩繪

很久都沒有介紹過 CND Shellac Soak-off Gel 的款式了,今次不是介紹新顏色,而是選用先前推出的兩枝色彩 ─ CND Cake Pop 和 CND Black Pool 製作 Nail Art 美甲彩繪。

[Nail Art Classroom] OPI Fiji Collection – Blues

OPI Fiji line nail lacquer has already arrived. The blue shades and the pastel ones immediately stand out from the rest of the set.

日本新一代指甲彩繪打印機 一次過列印五隻手指

指甲彩繪打印機已經愈來愈成熟,日本 TSUME.CO 再度推出一部新的指甲彩繪打印機,比過去舊式只能一次列印一隻手指,現在可以一次列印五隻手指。

[Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學] OPI Fiji 斐濟系列 – 粉色系

上一篇 Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學介紹了 OPI 2017 新推出的 Fiji 斐濟系列指甲油當中的藍調色彩,今次輪到粉色系了。

[Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學] OPI Fiji 斐濟系列 – 藍調色系

OPI 2017年新系列指甲油 Fiji 斐濟系列終於到貨了,一開箱後,已經被藍調色彩及粉系色彩所吸引住,最適合用來製作 Nail Art 美甲彩繪。