Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Nali Art 美甲彩繪推介(三) – 婚禮篇


Nali Art 美甲彩繪推介(二) – 法式篇


Nali Art 美甲彩繪推介(一) – 節日篇

普天同慶的日子都在秋冬時間,選色方面都偏深色和實色,可以怎樣令 Nail Art 更有層次?

[Win a free prize] OPI Hawaii Nail Lacquer Mix & Match

If you have any other amazing ideas for mix & match, please let us know by email. You will have a chance to win a free prize!

[做自己的大藝術家] OPI Color Paints 百變彩繪系列指甲油

哇哇哇! 小編看到這個新系列,不得不跟大家分享,就是 OPI 的 Color Paints 百變彩繪系列指甲油,充滿著藝術氣質!


當指甲靠近有 NFC功能的智能手機、八達通等等電子設備,LED美甲燈感應到電磁波便會閃閃發光,十分搶眼!

相都印倒上指甲? Art Nail Pro 手甲專用3D圖案彩繪機


OPI Fifty Shades of Grey Nail Lacquer

OPI get the best of this book “Fifty Shades of Grey” and presenting you a condense version of 5 shades of Grey. Or to be more precise: 3 greys; 2 silvers; 1 red

[挪威風情] OPI 北方系列 Nordic LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

今個秋冬是時候作出點改變,擺脫冬日黑沉沉的調調。OPI 較早前推出的Nordic Collection,全套12個顏色都已推出LED Gel Color。色調的靈感來自哥本哈根的彩色小屋,挪威那種海天一色的藍調等。由金啡色,紫色,到粉紅色,為冬日添上暖烘烘的色調。

[Light up the winter cold] OPI Nordic LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel Collection

All 12 shades in OPI Nordic Collection are now available in LED Gel Color! The collection contains warm loving colors which can definitely light up the winter cold!