Nali Art 美甲彩繪推介(三) – 婚禮篇
- on 09.07.15
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普天同慶的日子都在秋冬時間,選色方面都偏深色和實色,可以怎樣令 Nail Art 更有層次?
If you have any other amazing ideas for mix & match, please let us know by email. You will have a chance to win a free prize!
哇哇哇! 小編看到這個新系列,不得不跟大家分享,就是 OPI 的 Color Paints 百變彩繪系列指甲油,充滿著藝術氣質!
當指甲靠近有 NFC功能的智能手機、八達通等等電子設備,LED美甲燈感應到電磁波便會閃閃發光,十分搶眼!
OPI get the best of this book “Fifty Shades of Grey” and presenting you a condense version of 5 shades of Grey. Or to be more precise: 3 greys; 2 silvers; 1 red
今個秋冬是時候作出點改變,擺脫冬日黑沉沉的調調。OPI 較早前推出的Nordic Collection,全套12個顏色都已推出LED Gel Color。色調的靈感來自哥本哈根的彩色小屋,挪威那種海天一色的藍調等。由金啡色,紫色,到粉紅色,為冬日添上暖烘烘的色調。
All 12 shades in OPI Nordic Collection are now available in LED Gel Color! The collection contains warm loving colors which can definitely light up the winter cold!