Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Ice Cube Nail Art] Reflecting Sunlight in Ocean

With popularity of the Little Mermaid movie, there are new variations for Ice cube nail art “Wave” series from Korea Brand Mayour featuring semi transparent style!

[星空美甲] 星閃閃,閃過漆黑天

繼上年大熱的宇宙星球 Nail Art 甲藝後,今年有一款關於自然現象的 Gel 甲甲款又流行起來…

[冰粒美甲] 折射出陽光在海洋的光線

對於冰粒美甲相信大家都不陌生,一到夏日都會成為女生的Top 10,但今年加上了人氣的小魚仙電影,再有新的變化!

[Summer Gel Nail] 2023 Nail Art Trend: Simple and Minimalistic

Summer is here! What gel nail styles are popular for 2023? Recently, minimalistic nail art styles have been trending, with simple and easy-to-match designs that more girls can handle…

NAIL n THINGS – Elegant and Fashionable Hong Kong-made Nail Stickers

Some nail stickers is a bit avant-garde and exaggerated, while OLs prefer elegant and fashionable designs. Two college classmates saw this gap in the market and start Nail n Things…

Top Choice for 2023 Spring/Summer Gel Nails – Ice Drop Nail Art

Weather starts to get hot and humid again, still doing the same solid color nail designs? Don’t forget about new trend in Gel Nails: “Ice Drop Nail Art”!

[夏日Gel甲推介] 2023年流行簡約美甲 Simple is the Best!

夏天來了! 2023年的夏日有什麼Gel甲款式可以試一下呢? 最近美甲款式都流行簡約風格,簡單易襯的款式讓更多女生都能駕馭得到~ 近年簡約美甲款式中,設計師都喜歡加入一些若隱若現的元素,如暈染、貓眼石等,為指甲增加層次感。小編今次就為大家介紹幾款~

[美甲示範] 指甲短 也能畫個靚美甲!

許多人認為只有長指甲才能做美甲,其實這是一個誤解! 短指甲也能通過各種美甲的方式展現出獨特的美感。

情人節 Nail Art 推介 2023

約會時想給他一個驚喜? 就讓我們介紹幾個又簡單又 Elegant 的 Nail Art~

[兔年快到] 農曆新年 NAIL ART 推介

2023 年的農曆新年一月就到了,大家想在新年換上兔年美甲款式,迎接喜氣洋洋的農曆新年嗎?很多人都很抗拒鮮紅的甲色,其實新年不只圍繞着紅色,以下為大家介紹幾款兔年美甲款式,為指甲穿上美美的新衣逗利是吧