Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[美甲示範] 指甲短 也能畫個靚美甲!

許多人認為只有長指甲才能做美甲,其實這是一個誤解! 短指甲也能通過各種美甲的方式展現出獨特的美感。

情人節 Nail Art 推介 2023

約會時想給他一個驚喜? 就讓我們介紹幾個又簡單又 Elegant 的 Nail Art~

[兔年快到] 農曆新年 NAIL ART 推介

2023 年的農曆新年一月就到了,大家想在新年換上兔年美甲款式,迎接喜氣洋洋的農曆新年嗎?很多人都很抗拒鮮紅的甲色,其實新年不只圍繞着紅色,以下為大家介紹幾款兔年美甲款式,為指甲穿上美美的新衣逗利是吧

[Nail Styles for Men] Follow the Stars (III)

From the darkest to the brightest, there are a whole lo […]

[Nail Styles for Men] Follow the Stars (II)

When you have enough of the low-key black and you are ready to step up, you might be interested in the following gel nail ideas for men.


上次介紹了一些節日的美甲款式,大家都很喜歡,今次就再介紹多幾款聖誕 Gel 甲 Nail Art 款式!


又到聖誕! 小編為大家搜羅不同的聖誕主題美甲款式,讓大家可以跟著做一個充滿節日氣氛的甲款!

The Ultimate Nail Hex for Repelling Mosquitos

If there is anything that is most annoying in the nature, it must be mosquitos.  Check out what the Japanese whistle performer, Kato Marina, does to revenge on those creeps.

[Byebye Tweezers] Nail Art Dotting Pen

Stunning nails can be so simple. We introduced the nail art beads application box last time. This time, we will show you this dotting pen.


很多香港人都喜歡逛逛 $12 店,重點就是價廉物美又到處都有一間! 最近 Daiso 就帶來了 2022 年夏天限定款式指甲貼,讓大家除了 Gel 甲之外都可以有另一個選擇。