Nail Art for luck in Finding Romance
- on 05.16.22
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Let the shade of peach blossom brings you luck in finding romance, or becoming more stable in a relationship!
Rainbow Nails' Blog |
An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong |
Let the shade of peach blossom brings you luck in finding romance, or becoming more stable in a relationship!
Nail Salon service has been resumed! What nail art should be made to celebrate a bit? Let’s try some shapes!
美甲店重新投入服務了! 畫一個怎樣的甲來慶祝一下好? 就試試幾何圖形!
We all know people are not supposed to dine out during the pendemic. But if you suddenly got a sushi crave, the gurus have worked out some beautiful 3-D sashimi nail arts. Look!
It gets quite dreadful that the nail salons are closed when you really needed a manicure. You can learn to handle it yourself, you know? By just getting the right tools, you can work like a proal in no time! Or at least a simple one…
上次介紹過6款開運 Gel 甲大受各位歡迎,今次 encore 再介紹四款,讓大家繼續開運!
新年想開運除了可以換新衫、換新髮型外,別忘了為美甲款式增添喜氣!象徵福氣與財運的紅色系美甲是每年過年前最受歡迎的指定款,但今年2022年紅色系 Gel甲美甲款式到底該怎麼挑選?流行重點又是甚麼?6大耐看新趨勢我們先看3個!
疫情下想吃一餐豐富的壽司也不容易,何不來一客壽司美甲讓自己隨時可以望梅止渴? 外地就有人想各種美味刺身在指甲上 […]
What is the new trend of nail color in the new year? It is Very Peri! The 2022 Pantone Color of the Year “Very Peri” is a brand new color, which is mixed with fuchsia on the basis of blue, calm and at the same time vibrant, seemingly lively and healing at the same time!