Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[在家美甲] 可愛的調色盤

現在應該比較多人在家做指甲了,當你想做Nail art的時候,會不會手忙腳亂弄到周圍都是顏色,你是需要一個調色盤去幫助你!

Safety Helmets for the Toes!

It is an agony to stumble over a furniture at home. The toes can hurt so bad! Now, your toes can be protected by little safety helmets…

[Nail Art Classroom] Advanced Glitter Application

Amongst tons of nail pictures on the web, glitter on single shade has been quite a popular DIY nail choice. However, do you find it hard to make the duplication as nice as the demos?

The Island of Fuchsia in Summer

Fuchsia shade is hot and sexy on the nails. To make it even more exciting, you can design of flamingo or tropical plants. Hurry! Don’t let the last bit of summer slip away!

[17週年感謝月] 指甲服務享折扣優惠 再送精緻小禮物

踏入十月,是 Rainbow Nails 的週年紀念月,今年就是第十七年了!

我們希望可以跟大家一起慶祝這個大日子以及報答客人多年來的支持與鼓勵,在2021年10月1日至10月31日期間,凡惠顧指甲服務,除了可享有折扣優惠,而且我們還會送上小禮物,小小心意答謝大家支持 !

[美甲教學] 閃粉應用進階版


[指甲的夏日特飲] 桃色小島


[捉緊夏天的尾巴] 我都想著涼鞋!

常常有人說,沒有西瓜的夏天是不完整的~ 但小編想說,沒有美甲的夏天才是最不完美的!

[Clever Invention] No-Fuss Nail Art Helper

For those who love to do 3-D nail art, putting on glitter or miniature items can be quite a pain for even the most experienced nail technicians. Check out this clever invention!

[唔怕一地都係] 3D Nail Art 小神器

對於喜歡 3D nail art 嘅朋友,無論是美甲師或DIY的你,每次使用閃粉或甲藝小玩意時,都會小心翼翼,就連呼吸也會停一停,盡量不要把小玩意弄到整枱、地下都有。 今次這個發明太聰明…