Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

NAIL n THINGS – Elegant and Fashionable Hong Kong-made Nail Stickers

Some nail stickers is a bit avant-garde and exaggerated, while OLs prefer elegant and fashionable designs. Two college classmates saw this gap in the market and start Nail n Things…

Nail n Things – 優雅時尚的港產美甲貼

市面上的美甲貼有時略為前衛誇張,上班族 OL 則喜歡優雅時尚的設計。港產品牌 Nail n Things 推出的 Gel 甲貼又會不會令你感受到這份優雅時尚?

Beaming with Laser Manicure

Back in a few years ago, metallic nails was quite a hit. Just a tiny box of powder, your nails would turn into little mirrors. Recently, silvery white nail is in fashion.

[OL甲油教學] 讓指甲低調而生動起來!


OL度身訂造: OPI LED Gelcolor 優雅套裝 The Sophisticates Collection
