Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

OPI Retro Summer 復古夏日系列 LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

OPI「RETRO SUMMER COLLECTION」 復古夏日系列 POLISH 及 GELCOLOR 同時推出,一套六枝,分別奶黃、粉橙、橙紅、天藍、淺粉紅及玫瑰紅,見到不同鮮艷色彩就好像一個又一個的雪糕球,令夏日增添了涼快的氣氛。

[炎夏新色] OPI Retro Summer 復古夏日系列指甲油

繼上次推出柔和色系反應熱烈,OPI繼續又為美女們帶來六枝極夏日的顏色,名為”Retro Summe […]

Summer Promotion 2016 (Aug to Sept)

2 persons pedicure or manicure, 2nd person receives a discount of 50%! Dont miss out on this summer promotion!

OPI Soft Shades Pastels 輕柔光彩粉嫩系列 LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

上次介紹了OPI 2016春夏季 Soft Shades Pastels 輕柔光彩粉嫩系列,相當貼心的OPI已經同步推出六枝GELCOLOR,相信OPI迷對這套粉彩顏色感興奮,OPI是罕有地設計這類創新的色彩。

Special Edition in OPI Alice Collection: What time isn’t it?

Besides OPI’s Alice Through the Looking Glass collection, there is even a special edition dark blue-grey polish with silver strands.

OPI Soft Shades Pastels 輕柔光彩粉嫩系列指甲油


[特別版注意] OPI 愛麗斯夢遊仙境 – WHAT TIME ISN’T IT?

介紹完「愛麗斯夢遊仙境2之穿越魔鏡」系列後,細心的美媚應該留意到有一支特別版顏色還未介紹過─WHAT TIME ISN’T IT?

OPI x Disney Alice Through the Looking Glass Collection Nail Lacquer

In this June, Disney presents their brand new Alice in Wonderland movie ; and In this collaboration, OPI presents Alice Through the Looking Glass 2016 8 shades collection.

OPI 愛麗斯夢遊仙境系列 LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

OPI為了今年六月上演的電影「愛麗斯夢遊仙境2之穿越魔鏡」除了推出愛麗斯系列指甲油外,還同步推出了 LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel系列。

[夢幻又華麗] OPI 愛麗斯夢遊仙境系列指甲油

OPI x DISNEY 已經不是第一次的事了,每次都能擦出新火花,而是次合作的是由細睇到大的愛麗斯夢遊仙境。