[Win a free prize] OPI Hawaii Nail Lacquer Mix & Match
- on 08.13.15
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If you have any other amazing ideas for mix & match, please let us know by email. You will have a chance to win a free prize!
Rainbow Nails' Blog |
An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong |
If you have any other amazing ideas for mix & match, please let us know by email. You will have a chance to win a free prize!
若隱若現,低調卻非凡的色系。6個 OPI Soft Shades 輕柔光彩系列 顏色被選上作 Soak -Off Gel,比甲油更耐磨,令高貴的造型更持久。
Here we’re to share 2 products for prevention and cure of fungal nails.
OPI 在 LED System 方面發展已經很成熟,為了精益求精它今年設計了全新的 LED 燈機,專為 Gel甲 (LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel) 而設,外型更流線,輕巧和容易清潔,燈機內裡寬敞,容易置放手或足部,更重要是360度的 LED 燈更準確照射指甲每個位置,可以更快捷完成照燈程序。
哇哇哇! 小編看到這個新系列,不得不跟大家分享,就是 OPI 的 Color Paints 百變彩繪系列指甲油,充滿著藝術氣質!
The annual McDonald’s – Coca Cola free glass event is ending soon. Did you know that OPI have also cooperated with Coca Cola before?
Beaches, bikini, waves, fruits, these are OPI’s inspiration from this Hot Sexy Place to make these 12 bright colors soak-off gel ; coincidently here in Hong Kong. Let’s carry these colours to the beaches!
Enjoy a Manicure & Pedicure service at just HKD $398!
在七八月內親臨享用手部和腳部護理,只需 $398!
OPI 夏日精選系列 ─ HAWAII,十二枝顏色…可大玩MIX & MATCH,今次我選用淺粉紅(SUZI SHOPS & ISLAND HOPS)加一半粉綠色(THAT’S HULA-RIOUS!),帶點韓風又夠晒青春。