OPI Neon Collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel
- on 10.23.14
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Besides wearing them to the beach in the hot summer, they are perfect for contrasting the dark winter clothes too!
Rainbow Nails' Blog |
An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong |
Besides wearing them to the beach in the hot summer, they are perfect for contrasting the dark winter clothes too!
聽說這個 Crossover 概念由構思到真正實行經歷了4年之久,現在終於面世了。Coca-Cola Red紅色,靈感來源明顯地是原味可口可樂的包裝顏色;Orange You Fantastic!橙色,靈感來自芬逹橙汁…其它的名字你又猜到它的飲品嗎?
OPI, Nicole 和 CND Vinylux 幾種指甲油究竟有甚麼分別?
Do you know what kind of texture does OPI Nail Lacquer have?
顧名思義是與福特汽車的crossover吧!名車總是與美人連在一起;而 OPI,與美不能分割的一個大品牌,今次都為慶祝 Mustang 型號跑車50週年,添上些色彩!系列共有6個顏色,你又有否見過噴上這些顏色的 Mustang 跑車呢?
OPI and Coca-Cola has been discussed for 4 years for this collection and now they are brewing! Come hydrate your precious nails with these new brews!
We are faced with dilemma when choosing our nails top coat. In the pictures below, we show you 5 color tones of them with Shinny, Matte and Glitter finishing.
A collaboration of OPI with Ford for celebrating the 50th anniversary of the classic Ford Mustang. Have you ever see automobiles in these 6 colors of shades too?
Out of the 9 colors in OPI Coca-Cola Collection Nail Lacquer, only 3 of them are being chosen for LED Gel colors, and the honor goes to: Vanilla Coke, Grape Soda and Fanta!
在可口可樂系列裡 OPI 單單選取了3個顏色作為LED Gel,得奬者是:雲尼拿可樂、葡萄汔水和芬逹!