Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

最鮮艷 最熱情! OPI LED Gelcolor Soak-Off Gel 巴西系列

雖然這次 OPI 在巴西系列甲油的12個顏色裡,只有4支被選為LED Gel,但它們卻是最鮮艷的,最熱情,最巴西的4個顏色!

The Brightest, The most Brazilian – OPI LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel Brazil Collection

The brightest, the most Brazilian looking-like 4 pieces among the OPI Brazil collection nail lacquer.

Shine, Matte, Glitter – 如何運用 OPI Top This 面油套裝

如何運用 OPI Top This 面油套裝的 SHINE、MATTE、GILTTER 這三支無敵面油套裝? 今次我們選用了紅、藍、 綠、粉紅色!

爆裂的Nicole! 6色爆裂質感 Nicole by OPI Texture coat 指甲油

風靡一時的OPI Shatter大家試過了嗎?Nicole by OPI其實也推出過Texture coat,一樣是爆裂甲油,分別有六個顏色:白、土耳其藍、銀、紅、金及黑,任意搭配不同底色,創造不同的效果。

More than Lacquer – Nicole by OPI’s Nail Products

Besides OPI, one of its sub lines – Nicole by OPI has also contained a collection of peripheral products. Quality backed up by OPI yet with a relatively budgeted price.

Shatter from Nicole by OPI! OPI Nicole Texture Coat Collection

Inspired by OPI’s Shatter collection, Nicole by OPI has also launched a collection of Texture coats include Turquoise, Black, White, Silver, Red and Gold.

The Hip and Lively Nail Lacquer – Nicole by OPI

“Nicole by OPI”, sub-brand of OPI nail lacquers, got colors tends to be flourishing, to bring up a lively, vigorous image

[影片教學] 簡單運用 O.P.I LED GELCOLOR 做 Nail Art

相信大家對 OPI LED GELCOLOR 都絕不陌生,之前已跟你們簡單介紹過這套產品和簡單做法,今次希望透過短片令大家更容易掌握當中的竅門。

[你當我是浮誇吧] OPI NEON 瑩光指甲油到港了

一到夏天,OPI NEON 指甲油又大排用埸了,搽在十隻腳指上光鮮又耀目,連同這系列今次OPI還推出了專為Neon Color而設的底油,令甲油本身的顏色更突出。

[Tutorial] 3-step to apply OPI GLITTER OFF-Peel-able Base Coat

If you love glitter and dark shades, then you’ll want to experience Glitter Off by OPI. Changing glitter nail color as quickly as changing outfits!!