Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Create your fashionable nail art! The new OPI 6 Neon shades Nail Lacquer

Newly released in 2014, along with these 6 Neon shades, […]

OPI Led gelcolor /CND Shellac gel nail promotion (August/ September2014 Promotion)

Get rid of that flaky-apple-pie-like hands & feet! […]

OPI Led gelcolor /CND Shellac gel甲@送手腳護理優惠 (2014年8-9月)

天氣既潮濕又遇上乾燥的冷氣,一定感到皮膚癢癢的,這時當然要多加補濕。本月可以優惠價享受CND Shellac手 […]

OPI x CocaCola Collection Nail Lacquer

A crossover collection with 9 colors as each bottle represents a signature beverage of the brand. Can you guess which beverages they are representing?

OPI x 「可口可樂」 Collection 指甲油

這個OPI x Coca Cola Crossover 系列每支指甲油的靈感都來源於可口可樂旗下的飲品,你能猜出代表的飲品是什麼嗎?

繽紛前衛的 Nicole by OPI

Nicole這個品牌的甲油各位一定不會陌生,其實它也是OPI大家庭其中一份子,色系比較”Dolly – 娃娃”和前衛,帶出活力的感覺,與OPI系列吹的高貴大方風完全不一樣,提供更多元化選擇!

[Tutorial] 3 steps tips to shake off the glitters

We love glitter as it’s easy to apply, dries fast… we hate it only because it is hard to remove! There are 3-steps tips to shake off the glitters.

彩虹般閃耀! OPI Spotlight On Glitter 指甲油

OPI 這套六枝「Spotlight On Glitter」彩虹般的七彩閃片、六角寶石型金片等等, 配合最新推出的「GLITTER OFF」作為底油,盡情塗得滿手閃令令!

DIY Nail Art 簡易指甲彩繪 (一): 波點指甲彩繪

難度指數: 3/5

用 OPI Sheer Tints Collection 指甲油做靚靚 Nail Art

這個靚靚 Nailart 看似複雜,但其實一點也不難,需要的只是時間和耐性,這簡單又充滿春夏色彩的款式,各美媚都要試試啊!